We list the Government of Yukon Minister travel expense reports by year and event. We post event information as soon as possible and add the travel expenses to the page once they're approved. This usually takes 90 days.
- Travel expense report for PNWER annual summit, July 20 to July 26
- Travel expense report for Council of the Federation, July 15 to 17, 2024
- Travel expense report for business development meeting, July 31
- Travel expense report for Ore Deck Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, June 27
- Travel expense report for AGM PT Ministers Responsible for Local Government, June 24 to 27
- Travel expense report for Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers responsible for Conservation, Wildlife and Biodiversity, June 24 to 28, 2024
- Travel expense report for London Delegation trip, June 6 to 15
- Travel expense report for meeting with Diplomats, June 12 to 14
- Travel expense report for meeting with Eurasia Group, Diplomats and Collision, June 10 to 20
- Travel expense report for attendance to the Anniversary of D Day, June 4 to 8
- Travel expense for attendance to meeting for Canadian Council of Forest Ministers, June 2 - 5
- Travel expense report for attendance to the Arctic Encounter Symposium, April 11 to 13, 2024
- Travel expense report for the meeting of Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers responsible for labour, April 5 to 7
- Travel expense report for Meeting with Minister Wilkinson, January 4 to January 5, 2024
- Travel expense report for Premier's Meeting with Minister Wilkinson/Consul, January 4 to January 5, 2024
- Minister Silver Round-Up Meeting from January 19 to 25, 2024
- Travel Expense Report for the Round Up Meeting from January 20 to January 23, 2024
- Travel expense report for the Round Up Conference, January 20 to January 25, 2024
- Travel expense report for Round-Up, January 21 to January 26, 2024
- Travel expense report for Finance Ministers - Provincial/Territorial/Federal from December 11 to December 18, 2024
- Travel expense report for Yukon Days, for Minister Mostyn, December 2 to 6, 2023
- Travel expense report for Yukon Days, December 2 to December 7, 2023
- Travel expense report for Yukon Days, December 3 to December 8, 2023
- Travel expense report for Yukon Days for Minister Clarke, December 3 to December 8, 2023
- Travel expense report for the Premier for Yukon Days; meeting with Premier Ford December 2 to December 10, 2023
- Travel expense report for B.C. Cabinet and First Nations Leaders Gathering November 2 to 3, 2023
- Travel expense report for Council of the Federation Premiers' meeting from November 3 to November 7, 2023
- Travel expense report for Europe mission from November 24 to November 30, 2023
- Travel expense report for Banff Forum October 20, 2023
- Premier Eby and Consuls Meeting Oct 27 to Oct 29, 2023
- Asian mission, September 7 to September 24, 2023
- Travel expense report for federal Ministers meeting, September 20 to 22, 2023
- Denver Gold Forum, September 11 to 21, 2023
- Ending Gender-Based Violence Forum, September 5 to September 7, 2023
- Asian mission, September 7 to September 13, 2023
- Ministers Meetings, September 1 to September 7, 2023
- EMMC Conference, August 27 to September 1, 2023
- Tour to Qikiqtaruk, August 21 to August 23, 2023
- Signing of the Offshore Accord, August 10, 2023
- FPT Ministers Responsible Status of Women, July 29 to August 2, 2023
- Haa Kusteeyi celebration, July 29 to July 30, 2023
- White Pass 125th Anniversary, July 29 to July 30, 2023
- CCME Council of Ministers Meetings, July 25 to July 28, 2023
- Meeting with Nova Scotia Premier, July 25 to July 26, 2023
- FPT Ministers of Agriculture, July 18 to July 22, 2023
- North American Indigenous Games, July 14 to July 17, 2023
Pacific Northwest Economic Region, July 14 to July 21, 2023
FPT Ministers Responsible for Early Learning and Child Care, July 12 to July 14, 2023
Council of Ministers of Education Canada Meetings, July 11 to July 14, 2023
- COF Summer Meetings, July 9 to 13, 2023
- Ministers Council on the Canadian Francophonie, July 5 to 7, 2023
- FPT Ministers Responsible for Culture and Heritage, June 26 to 30, 2023
- Western Premiers' Conference, June 25 to June 27, 2023
- FPT Ministers of Infrastructure Meeting, June 19 to 23, 2023
- FPT Ministers Responsible for Human Rights, June 15 to 30, 2023
- PT Ministers Responsible for Local Government, June 1 to 7, 2023
- CIRNAC, June 1 to 5, 2023
- Rendezvous Canada, May 28 to June 1, 2023
- Northern Premier's Forum, May 16 to 17, 2023
- Ministerial Meetings, May 3 to 6, 2023
- Premier Ford/Stakeholder meetings, April 30 to May 8, 2023
- Meeting with Air North, April 6 to 8, 2023
- First Nations meetings, March 17, 2023
- 2023 Canada Winter Games, February 15 to 20, 2023
- Prime Minister and Premiers, Economic Development, Consul General of India meetings, February 5 to 12, 2023
- FPT for Finance Meetings, February 1 to 4, 2023
- VRIC Meetings, January 29 to 30, 2023
- 2023 Arctic Winter Games January 28 to 31, 2023
- VRIC Conference, January 28 to 30, 2023
- AME Roundup, January 21 to 27, 2023
- FPT Symposium on Digital Identity, Cybersecurity, Roundup, January 20 to 26, 2023
- Affinity North Indigenous Negotiations Workshop, January 12 to 13, 2023
- Canadian Delegation to CND COP15, December 12 to 22, 2022
- FPT Ministers for Emergency Management meeting, December 10 to 17
- Yukon Days, CIT meetings and mining meetings, December 4 to 11, 2022
- Yukon Days, December 3 to 8
- Yukon Days and Federal Bilateral Engagements, December 2 to 9
- Ministerial Meetings, November 27 to December 1
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial Health Ministers Meetings, November 5 to 6
- Tourism, Housing and Infrastructure meetings, November 4 to 6
- Carbon Capture Canada Event, September 19 to 22
- Mining Meetings, Precious Minerals and Gold Show, September 9 to 19
- Arctic Circle Greenland Forum, August 23 to 30
- Canada Summer Games, August 3 to 8
- Pacific NorthWest Economic Region summit, July 21 to 31
- Minister's visit to Aklavik & Herschel Island, July 11 to 16
- FPT Ministers Most Responsible for ELCC, July 11 to 12
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers of Culture and Heritage and Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers of Immigration meeting, July 10 to 29
- Council of the Federation, July 7 to 13
- Energy & Mine's Minister's Conference, July 5 to 9
- Canadian Council of Ministers of Education Conference, July 4 to 6, 2022
- Independence Day, July 4
- Economic Development Film meetings, June 29 to July 2
- Federal minister meetings and Matriarch Summit, June 20 to 24
- PDAC Conference and meetings in Ottawa and New York, June 12 to 17
- PDAC Conference, June 12 to 15
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial Health ministers meeting, June 5 to 6
- Western Premiers' Conference, May 25 to 30
- Atlin Expansion Project site visit, May 25
- Vancouver Resource Investment Conference, May 16 to 18
- Air North Inaugural Flight and Meeting with the Prime Minister and Federal Ministers, May 10 to 18
- Meeting of federal, provincial and territorial Ministers of Agriculture, April 30 to May 4, 2022
- Westac Fall Member Forum, December 7 to 12
- Meetings for Destination Canada, September 28 to October 1
- Prospector and Developers Association of Canada Mineral Exploration and Mining Convention, February 26 to March 4
- Council of Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety Federal, Provincial Territorial meeting, February 11 to 15
- Meetings with Federal Ministers, February 2 to 6
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial Justice Ministers meeting, January 21 to February 5
- Ministers’ Meeting for Early Learning and Childcare and AME Roundup, January 19 to 24
- Vancouver Resource Investment Conference and Mineral Exploration Roundup, January 18 to 23
- IMPACT conference, January 17 to 23
- Mining Hall of Fame, January 7 to 10
- Finance Ministers’ meeting, December 16 to 17
- Federal Ministers' meetings, December 8 to 12
- Council of the Federal meeting and Yukon Days, December 1 to 6
- Meeting of Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers responsible for the Status of Women, December 1 to 4
- Yukon Days, November 30 to December 6
- World Town Planning Day, November 2 to 3
- Celebration of Life for Julie Lane, October 20
- Denver Gold Forum, September 14 to 18
- Port of Skagway Work Session, August 8
- Council of Ministers of Education, July 22 to 26
- Pacific Northwest Economic Region, July 20 to 26
- Energy and Mines Ministers' Conference meeting/Ministers of Agriculture meeting, July 14 to July 18
- Council of the Federation Summer meeting, July 7 to July 11
- Witness UNESCO World Heritage, July 4 to 12
- Western Premiers' Conference, June 25 to July 1
- Federal Ministers meeting/Investment attraction meeting, June 16 to June 21
- Federal Ministers meeting, June 16 to June 20
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial meeting for Tourism and Culture, June 15 to June 20
- Meeting for Provincial and Territorial Ministers responsible for Local Government / Ministerial Conference on the Canadian Francophonie, June 10 to 14/ June 26 to 29
- Women Deliver Conference, June 4 to June 8
- 121 Mining Investment Conference/Canadian Mining Symposium, May 19 to May 27
- Collision Conference/Canada Free Trade Agreement meeting, May 19 to May 30
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers Responsible for Seniors Forum, May 20 to 23, 2019, May 20 to May 23
- Rendezvous Canada meeting, May 22 to May 29
- Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority/Municipality of Skagway, April 5
- Health and Social Services Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers Committee, April 22 to April 24
- Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada/ Globe Capital/ Federal Minister Meeting, February 27 to March 6
- Alaska Mission, February 17 to 20
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers Responsible for Sports/Canada Winter Games 2019, February 13 to 17
- First Nation Directors of Education National Forum, February 12 to 15
- Association for Mineral Exploration Roundup 2019, January 27 to February 1
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial Emergency Management and National Indigenous Representatives, January 23 to 26
- Impact Sustainability Travel & Tourism Conference/Mineral Roundup, January 20 to 30
- Vancouver Resource Investment Conference/Northern Development Ministers’ Forum, January 20 to 25
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial Leaders of National Indigenous Organizations/ Ministers Responsible for Transporation and Highway Safety, January 16 to 23
- Canadian Mining Hall of Fame Induction, January 9 to 12
- Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, December 9 to 12
- Yukon Days and Canadian Council of Fisheries and Aquaculture Ministers, December 2 to 6
- Yukon Days and Indigenous Peoples' Justice Conference, November 30 to December 7
- Yukon Days and First Ministers’ Meeting/ Finance Ministers’ meeting, November 29 to December 11
- National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous GIrls and Women/Tourism Industry Association of Canada's Annual Congress, November 25 to 29
- Meeting with Federal Ministers, October 26 to 30
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers Economic Development, October 25 to 27
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Infrastructure, September 25 to 28
- Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Hearings, September 16 to 19
- International Association for Public Participation Conference, September 5 to 7
- Canadian Council of Forest Ministers, September 4 to 8
- Canada 55+ Games, August 17 to 19
- Energy and Mines Ministers Conference and the Arctic Indigenous Investment Conference, August 11 to 15
- Special Olympics National Games, July 30 to August 5
- Pan-Territorial meeting and the Federal, Provincial and Territorial Meeting of Social Services Ministers, July 29 to August 1
- Pacific NorthWest Economic Region, July 20 to 26
- Council of the Federation, July 17 to 21
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial Agriculture Ministers' Conference, July 17 to 21
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial Immigration Ministers, July 11 to 14
- Council of Ministers of Education Conference, June 29 to July 06
- Finance Ministers' Meeting, June 24 to 27
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministerial Tourism Industry Trade Mission, June 21 to 30
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial meeting of Ministers of Culture and Heritage, June 18 to 20
- National Inquiry Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls: Expert Hearing on Racism, June 11 to 13
- Celebration 2018 - Respect: Weigh Your Words, June 8 to 10
- Energy Star Awards, opening of the Toronto Stock Exchange, Premier's keynote speech at the Empire Club and Yukon Investment Conference, May 23 to 31
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial meeting on emergency management, May 23 to 25
- Western Premiers' Conference, May 21 to 23
- Rendezvous Canada, May 13 to 17
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Social Policy Forum, May 12 to 15
- Governor General's Canadian Leadership Conference, May 3 to 6
- Western Canada Transportation Forum, May 2 to 4
- Northern Premiers' Forum, April 30 to May 4
- British Columbia First Nations Health Authority meeting, April 26 to 27
- Porcupine Caribou Summit and Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers for Housing meeting, April 6 to 9
- Destination Canada, Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada, Travel Yukon's Agency of Record - Cossette, and National Inquiry Greater Vancouver Region Community Hearing, April 4 to 6
- Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada International Convention, Trade Show and Investors Exchange, March 1 to 7
- Meeting on a pan-territorial issues, February 27 to 28
- Meetings with Canadian Association of Liquor Jurisdictions, February 6
- Yukon Days, February 2 to 9
- Annual meeting of Canada's Federal, Provincial and Territorial Transportation and Highway Safety Ministers, January 25 to February 1
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial meeting on Indigenous Child and Family Services, January 23 to 26
- Yukon University meeting, January 23 to 24
- Meeting with Minister Chagger, January 22 to 25
- Mineral Exploration Roundup, January 19 to 25
2017 travel
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial meeting of Ministers Responsible for Human Rights, December 9 to 14
- Finance Ministers' Meeting, December 9 to 14
- International Aboriginal Tourism Conference, November 6 to 9
- Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment meeting, November 2 to 5
- RCMP graduation, October 22 to 24
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial Health Ministers' meeting, October 19 to 20
- First Ministers' Meeting, September 30 to October 4
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial meeting of Ministers of Infrastructure, September 19 to 21
- Learning Partnership, September 19 to 21
- Precious Metals Summit, September 18 to 20
- Meeting of Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers responsible for Immigration, September 14 to 15
- Canadian Council of Forestry Ministers, September 13 to 15
- Mining Industry meetings, September 12 to 17
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers Responsible for Seniors meeting, September 12 to 15
- Meeting of Federal, Provincial and Territorial meeting of Ministers responsible for Justice and Public Safety, September 12 to 15
- Opportunities North, September 11 to 14
- Salvation Army tour, September 10 to 11
- Students on Ice, September 8 to 12
- Northern Premiers' Conference, August 29 to September 1
- Federal, Provincial and Territorial Meeting of Ministers responsible for Culture and Heritage, August 20 to 24
- Energy and Mines Ministers' Conference, August 11 to 16
- Canada Summer Games, July 25 to 31
- Pacific Northwest Economic Region Annual Summit, July 21 to 27
- Siloam Mission tour, July 21, 2017
- Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, July 17 to 22
- Agriculture Ministers Meeting, July 18 to 21
- Council of the Federation summer meeting, July 17 to 19
- North American Indigenous Games, July 14 to 23
- Canadian Electrical Association meeting, July 13 to 15
- Arctic National Wildlife Refuge meetings, July 10 to 14
- Premier Silver's business and networking meeting in Fox Harbour, Nova Scotia, July 8 to 16
- Fourth of July celebration with the RCMP, July 4, 2017
- Meeting of Provincial and Territorial Ministers Responsible for Local Governments, June 27 to 29
- Ministerial Conference on the Canadian Francophonie, June 20 to 23
- Federal Ministers' meeting, June 16 to 20
- Mining Companies meeting, June 14 to 15
- Early Learning and Child Care federal, provincial and territorial meetings, June 11 to 12
- Council of the Federation meeting, June 5 to 8
- Federation of Canadian Municipalities AGM, Conference and Trade Show, June 2 to 4
- Minister Pillai's trip to Toronto, April 6 to 8
- Francophone Immigration Forum, March 29 to April 1
- Premier Sandy Silver's trip to Ottawa, March 21 to 23
- United Nations Commission on the Status of Women Conference, March 10 to 16
- Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC), March 5 to 8
- Yukon Days, February 6 to 8
- Social Services Ministers' Meeting, February 2 to 3
- Mineral Exploration Roundup, January 23 to 26
See travel expense reports from 2016.
For questions about Minister travel expense reports email eco-digital@yukon.ca. For information about MLA travel expenses email yla@yukon.ca or phone 867-667-5498.