Travel expense report for the Meeting with Nova Scotia Premier, July 25 to July 26, 2023


Halifax, Nova Scotia


Executive Council Office

Purpose of the trip

 Premier Pillai attended a meeting with the Nova Scotia Premier to sign a letter of intent regarding Health Human Resources to collaborate on best practices and partnership opportunities. Principal Secretary Kim Stavert attended as his support on the ground.


  • Ranj Pillai, Premier
  • Kim Stavert, Principal Secretary

Total travel expenditures for participants

Airfare: $2,616.40
Accommodation: $624.64
Other, such as per diems and taxi fares: $435.40

Total costs for this trip: $3,676.44

Individual participant travel expenditures

Premier Ranj Pillai July 25 to 26

Airfare: $516.60
Accommodation: $327.27
Other, such as per diems and taxi fares: $205.90

Total costs for this trip: $1,049.77

Kim Stavert July 21 to August 2

Airfare: $2,099.80
Accommodation: $297.37
Other, such as per diems and taxi fares: $229.50

Total costs for this trip: $2626.67

Find more Minister travel expense reports.


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