Travel expense report for the Western Premier's Conference, May 25 to 30

Department: Executive Council Office

Location: Vancouver, Regina, Calgary

Purpose of the trip: Western Premiers met at the Western Premiers’ Conference in Regina to discuss priorities, including Arctic sovereignty, health care, economic recovery, labour markets, energy security, sustainable development, supply chains and infrastructure. The meeting built on conversations during the Northern Premiers’ Forum, held in Whitehorse in May, and informed later discussions at the Council of the Federation meeting in July.


  • Matthew Cameron, Director of Communications
  • Jasmina Randhawa, Chief of Staff

Total travel expenditures for participants

Airfare: $1,969.93
Accommodation: $1315.16
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $469.27

Total costs for this trip: $3,754.36

Individual participant travel expenditures

Matthew Cameron (May 25 to 30)

Airfare: $1,267.55
Accommodation: $657.58
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $242.62

Total costs for this trip: $2,127.75

Jasmina Randhawa

Airfare: $702.38
Accommodation: $657.58
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $226.65

Total costs for this trip: $1,586.61

Find more minister travel expense reports.

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