Travel expense report for the International Association for Public Participation Conference, September 5 to 7, 2018

Department: Cabinet Office
Location: Victoria, British Colombia 
Purpose of the trip: The Communications Director participated in discussions and gathered information about advancements in public engagement, specifically engaging with a diverse number of groups and people in rural communities.


  • Sunny Patch, Communications Director

Total travel expenditures for participants

Airfare: $956.96
Accomodations: $379.50
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $305.70

Total costs for this trip: $1,642.16

Individual participant travel expenditures

Sunny Patch (September 5 to 7)

Airfare: $956.96
Accommodation: $379.50
Other: $305.70
Total: $1,642.16

Find more minister travel expense reports.

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