Travel expense report for the CCME Council of Ministers Meetings, July 25 to July 28, 2023


Huntsville, Nova Ontario



Purpose of the trip

Minister Clarke and his Advisor Elisha Sidoun travelled to Huntsville Ontario to participate in the Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment for their annual meeting. 


  • Nils Clarke, Minister of Environment
  • Elisha Sidoun, Advisor

Total travel expenditures for participants

Airfare: $2,440.57
Accommodation: $1,925.11
Other, such as per diems and taxi fares: $361.80

Total costs for this trip: $4,727.48

Individual participant travel expenditures

Minister Nils Clarke July 25 to 28

Airfare: $1,206.70
Accommodation: $756.84
Other, such as per diems and taxi fares: $169.10

Total costs for this trip: $2,132.64

Elisha Sidoun July 25 to 28

Airfare: $1,233.87
Accommodation: $1,168.27
Other, such as per diems and taxi fares: $192.70

Total costs for this trip: $2,594.84

Find more Minister travel expense reports.

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