Travel expense report for Western Premiers' Conference, June 25 to June 27, 2023


Vancouver, Whistler


Executive Council Office

Purpose of the trip

 The Premier along with cabinet staff, Jason Cunning as Chief of Staff and Jordan Owens, director of communications, attended the Western Premier’s conference to discuss energy security, trade corridors, labour market, community safety and strategic infrastructure with other Premiers from Western Canada.


  • Ranj Pillai, Premier
  • Jason Cunning, Chief of Staff
  • Jordan Owens, Director of Communication

Total travel expenditures for participants

Airfare: $2,470.14
Accommodation: $2,682.49
Other, such as per diems and taxi fares: $1,252.66

Total costs for this trip: $6,405.26

Individual participant travel expenditures

Premier Ranj Pillai June 25 to 27

Airfare: $877.44
Accommodation: $997.28
Other, such as per diems and taxi fares: $372.53

Total costs for this trip: $2,247.25

Jason Cunning June 25 to 27

Airfare: $862.44
Accommodation: $1,285.21
Other, such as per diems and taxi fares: $280.40

Total costs for this trip: $2,428.05

Jordan Owens June 25 to 27

Airfare: $730.26
Accommodation: $400.00
Other, such as per diems and taxi fares: $599.73

Total costs for this trip: $1,729.96


Find more Minister travel expense reports.



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