Complete our evaluation form so we can improve this funding program. The Youth Investment Fund provides financial support to short-term projects aimed at youth under 19 with fewer opportunities or who experience a form of discrimination… more
Complete our evaluation form so we can improve this funding program. The Youth Investment Fund provides financial support to short-term projects aimed at youth under 19 with fewer opportunities or who experience a form of discrimination… more
Use this form to apply to the Board of Revision to ask for a change to the preliminary list of municipal voters.
Procurement authorities, contract managers, project managers provide this form to vendors to complete and review the information when received to ensure compliance.
This form is used by government employees who are organizing an event that may expose a person to injury, financial loss, or personal property damage. This form is a generic waiver and release of liability for events organized by… more
A Roman Catholic pastor uses this form to provide a reference for a candidate seeking to become a teacher with Catholic Schools of Whitehorse.
Use this form to verify the teaching experience of a candidate for a teacher position in Yukon. Pour afficher cette page en français, cliquez sur « Français » dans le coin supérieur droit.
Use this form to describe your faith as part of your teacher application with Catholic Schools of Whitehorse.
A youth or student uses this form to declare their eligibility for the Yukon Summer Career Placement program. The youth or student must also have their employer sign this form.
A physician uses this form. It's to report a child's congenital anomaly, as well as to refer a mother for a genetic counselling appointment.
Use the driver abstract request form to get an abstract for insurance or other purposes.
Use this form to apply for a transfer of land, mortgage or encumbrance held in joint tenancy with a deceased person.
Use this form to request to correct an error in the name of a registered certificate of title owner. Land Titles Office. Justice.
Use this form to apply to cancel the registration of a survey plan.
A corporation uses this form to register a mortgage with the Land Titles Office.
Use this form to register a mortgage with the Land Titles Office where the holder is an individual.
Use this form to ask for a review of the decision about your eligibility for, or your amount of, social assistance.
Use this form to apply to cancel a certificate of title under the Government of Canada or Commissioner of Yukon and issue a certificate of title for First Nation Fee Simple Settlement Land.
Use the special front axle overload permit form if you can prove: the front axle of your vehicle has a manufacturer’s rating that exceeds the requirement set out in the Highways Act Regulations, Section 13; and as long as your vehicle is… more
The weigh station reporting exemption permit is given to vehicles operating primarily within 20 kilometres of a weigh station.
Use the Yukon fuel permit to report and remit tax on the litres of taxable fuel consumed in Yukon. This form is for inter-provincial and through carriers.
Use this form to get an antique plate for a vehicle over 25 years of age. The vehicle must be a collector's item and will only be driven for exhibitions, club activities, parades and other similar events. It will not be used for general… more
If you've lost or had your driver's licence stolen, use this form to apply for a 90-day temporary or duplicate operator's licence.
Use this form to give consent to Hearing Services to get your personal health information from another organization or agency.
Complete this form to submit your tobacco tax return. This form is for permitted tobacco wholesalers and retailers in Yukon.