Waiver, release and indemnification agreement

Name Waiver, release and indemnification agreement
Category Arts and culture
Last updated
Size  42.5 KB
File Type  pdf
Number of pages 1
Document description
This form is used by government employees who are organizing an event that may expose a person to injury, financial loss, or personal property damage. This form is a generic waiver and release of liability for events organized by Government of Yukon. The form advises the participant of their risks and indemnifies and releases the government from liability when an incident occurs. It is not intended for events that are open to the general public, Department of Education events, or for high-risk activities. High-risk activities (for example, extreme sport activities, no or limited access to medical responders, significant exposure to weather, high likelihood of personal property loss, injury, or death) must use specific waivers that describe the activities that create risks to participants.
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