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Use this form to apply to become a trade school instructor in Yukon. Pour afficher cette page en français, cliquez sur « Français » dans le coin supérieur droit.

Use this form to renew your organization's trade school registration. Pour afficher cette page en français, cliquez sur « Français » dans le coin supérieur droit.

Apply to register a private training institute.

Use this form to apply to introduce a new program or course to your trade school's curriculum. Pour afficher cette page en français, cliquez sur « Français » dans le coin supérieur droit.

Use this form to confirm that the preliminary list of electors was posted for a municipal election.

If a qualified voter cannot mark their ballot they can have an elector's assistant help them. The assistant signs this oath to: mark the ballot according to the voter's wishes; and keep the vote confidential.

Use this form to provide notice that a regular or advanced poll will be opening for a municipal election.

The returning officer of a municipal election uses this form. It notifies voters what positions are open during an election. The notice states where and when people can submit nominations for elected positions. If the election will have a… more

The Board of Revision can change the list of electors. The board uses this form to notify voters of a meeting to hear applications to change the list of voters.

Use this form to prepare a preliminary list of electors for a polling division.

Use this document package to complete your financial reporting for a chase-the-ace style lottery.

Use this form to apply for accommodation assistance from Income Support Services. This can be for lodging in hotels, motels, hostels, campgrounds, and RV parks. A staff person at the facility must fill out the form.

Use this form to apply to get more social assistance to cover additional expenses. You'll have to provide supporting documents for your request.

Use this form to allow your child to have a hearing screening at school.

If you are applying for a trapping concession, complete in addition to Form A: declaration and application for Yukon trapping concession and/or licence. See more about trapping licences and concessions.

Apply for a group trapping concession if you are the spokesperson for the group. You will also need to submit a Group spokesperson designation form and Form A: declaration and application for Yukon trapping concession and/or licence.

Use this form to record voters at a poll for a municipal election.

Use this form as an oath to witness the marking of a ballot for an absent elector.

Use this form to swear in a member of the Board of Revision.

If a voter's eligibility is challenged, they can use this form to swear that they're a qualified voter.

Use this nomination form to declare yourself as a candidate in a municipal election.

Use this form as a ballot account at a polling station for a municipal election.

Use this form to authorize a candidate's agent in a municipal election.

Use this form to appoint an election officer for a municipal.

Use this form to register as a qualified voter at a polling station for a municipal.

If you're a printer, use this form to confirm the municipal election results printed are accurate.

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