
Displaying 751 - 775 of 962

Use this form to swear an oath that you're qualified to vote before you vote at an advance poll for a municipal election.

Use this form to tally votes during a municipal election.

Use this form to apply for a special ballot during a municipal election.

Use this form to certify the revised list of electors was reviewed for a municipal election.

Use this form to request water delivery.

Use this form to renew your placer prospecting lease. You also use this form for your affidavit of expenditure when staking your prospecting lease into placer claims.

Use this form to apply for a placer prospecting lease.

Use this form to allow or refuse immunizations for your child in Grade 9.

Use this form to authorize someone as an operator or to access your claims for mining land use submissions.

Use this form to authorize someone to act as your agent in regards to mining land use.

Use this form to apply to group together your placer claims.

Use this form to request to cancel an assistant trapper's licence for your group trapping concession area.

Request to cancel an assistant trapper licence for a trapping concession area held in partnership.

Request to cancel an assistant trapper licence for your trapping concession area held by 1 owner.

Apply for a Yukon trapping concession, trapping licence or assistant trapper licence. If applying for a trapping concession, you will also need to complete Form B: application for a Yukon trapping concession.

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Use this form to declare the end of ownership of a trapping concession on behalf of a group.

Employers use this form to claim reimbursement for a Student Training and Employment Program (STEP) employee.

Use this form to allow or refuse immunizations for your child in Grade 6.

Use this form to apply to operate a beverage container depot.

Use this form to apply for construction financing from the Yukon Housing Corporation if you are building new housing and are unable to get construction financing from a traditional lender.

The consent of parent form allows a parent to give permission for a minor who is at least 16 years old to work certain duties in a premise with a liquor licence. The completed form must be kept at the licensed premises and provided to… more

Request to get a licence for an assistant trapper in a group trapping concession area.

Use this form to request to get licence for an assistant trapper in a trapping concession area held in partnership.

Use this form to declare the end of ownership of a trapping concession held in partnership.

Use this form to declare the end of ownership of your trapping concession.

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