Statement from Premier Pillai on National Housing Day

Premier and Minister responsible for Yukon Housing Corporation Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

“A home is more than just a place to live; it offers stability, safety, comfort and a sense of belonging. These essential qualities not only support individual wellbeing but also foster opportunities and contribute to the strength and resilience of communities.

Amendments to the Clean Energy Act receives assent

The Act to amend the Clean Energy Act (2024) Bill 40 received assent today in the Yukon Legislative Assembly. This will legislate an intensity-based target for reduced greenhouse gas emissions generated by the mining sector. The amendments will set a reduction target of 45 per cent in greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 2035 for placer, quartz (hard rock) mining and the post-production and abandoned mines sectors. This target supports the territory in achieving its overall goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 onwards.   

Governments of Canada and Yukon announce funding to address Arctic security

This is a joint news release between the Government of Canada and the Government of Yukon.

Strong economies in the North rely on infrastructure development, environmental sustainability and public safety. Addressing priorities such as sovereignty, defense, infrastructure and environmental stewardship is key to safeguarding Canada’s Arctic interests while fostering a safe and sustainable future for Northerners.

Minister of Education delivers 2023–24 Annual Report

Today, Minister of Education Jeanie McLean tabled the Department of Education 2023–24 Annual Report, in accordance with the requirements of the Education Act. The report highlights the department’s key activities of the 2023–24 fiscal year and reflects information current as of March 31, 2024.

The 2023–24 Annual Report highlights some of the work done to support the Reimagining Inclusive and Special Education (RISE) initiative, the Joint Education Action Plan and the Integrated Outcome Strategy for Yukon Learners.

Government of Yukon introduces interim reforms to the land lottery process to better serve Yukoners

The Government of Yukon is introducing interim reforms to the land lottery process to improve fairness and transparency.

As part of the 2023 Confidence and Supply Agreement with the Yukon NDP Caucus, the Government of Yukon is implementing a series of changes to improve the lottery process for individual applicants and help address the needs of the commercial building sector. This is part of the commitment to increasing land and housing availability while supporting business growth.

Statement from Minister McLean and Minister McPhee on Transgender Day of Remembrance

Minister responsible for the Women and Gender Equity Directorate Jeanie McLean and Minister of Justice and Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee have issued the following statement:

"This November 20th, we observe Transgender Day of Remembrance to honour the memories of transgender people whose lives were lost to violence. In November 1998, a transgender woman named Rita Hester was murdered in her apartment in Boston. Her tragic death was a catalyst to establishing this day.

Government of Yukon developing tax credit for fertility treatment

To improve access to fertility and surrogacy treatments for Yukoners, the Government of Yukon is developing a new fertility and surrogacy tax credit, to be administered by the Canada Revenue Agency, subject to legislative approval. This refundable tax credit would be available to all Yukon taxpayers for fertility related expenses, in addition to the recently-announced medical travel coverage for fertility treatments.

Government of Yukon launches new Early Learning and Child Care Infrastructure Fund

Today, the Government of Yukon launched the Yukon’s Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) Infrastructure Fund, supported by a $7.7 million investment under the Canada-Yukon ELCC Infrastructure Fund Agreement signed in March 2024. This new initiative underscores the Government of Yukon's ongoing commitment to supporting children and families by investing in affordable, accessible and inclusive high-quality early learning and child care.

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