Statement from Premier Pillai on National Housing Day

Premier and Minister responsible for Yukon Housing Corporation Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

“A home is more than just a place to live; it offers stability, safety, comfort and a sense of belonging. These essential qualities not only support individual wellbeing but also foster opportunities and contribute to the strength and resilience of communities.

“On National Housing Day, we celebrate the progress made by the Government of Yukon, Yukon First Nations governments and development corporations, community partners, the private sector, and housing providers to increase access to homes for Yukoners.

“Collectively, we are working together to improve access to housing, build stronger communities and promote stability across the territory.

“Since its launch in January 2024, the Yukon Housing Corporation’s Creating Home strategy has refocused the Government of Yukon’s approach to housing in a way that prioritizes the needs and experiences of clients and housing providers. The strategy goes beyond physical structures to improve access to enhanced supports, services, social connections and affordable housing options across the housing continuum – meeting Yukoners where they are.

“I am pleased that in fiscal year 2023–24, the Government of Yukon supported 400 households experiencing core housing need, reaching half of the Creating Home strategy’s five-year target to reduce core housing need by 800 households.

“With support from the Government of Canada, the Government of Yukon invested $33 million to develop, provide and support affordable and supportive housing across the territory, including the creation of an additional 172 stable, high-quality and affordable homes built in partnership with Yukon First Nations, local developers, community organizations and service providers. These homes will help address both short-term and long-term housing needs across the territory.

“National Housing Day serves as a reminder that everyone in Canada deserves a place to call home. It is also a time to recognize the people driving meaningful change in the Yukon – community partners, developers, service providers, governments at all levels and Yukon Housing Corporation board and staff. Together, their efforts are creating safe, affordable and inclusive homes, addressing housing needs and building stronger communities for a brighter future for all Yukoners.”

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Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

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