Complete this form if you're a fuel distributor in Yukon submitting fuel tax remittance on diesel products. This form is for dispositions within jurisdiction to licensed collectors.
Use this daily cash count sheet to track cash from beverage sales.
Fill out this form to submit well water samples for testing.
Use this form to apply to group your oil and gas permits. You can also use the form to terminate a group.
A family day home completes the menu declaration for the Menu Grant Subsidy Program through Child Care Services.
Use this form to apply for a pressure welder certificate of qualification.
Fill out this form when you plan to abandon and fill in your sewage disposal system.
Use this form to declare lottery proceed expenses related to travel, meals and per diems.
An adopted person or birth parent can use this form to cancel a disclosure veto. A disclosure veto stops the sharing of adoption information. It also cancels a no-contact declaration. A no-contact declaration stops any contact with the… more
If you request a birth certificate, you may not be able to contact the birth parents or the adopted person. They may have filed a no-contact order. If they did, you have to sign the statutory declaration that promises you will not contact… more
Use this form to access adoption records from Government of Yukon, Family and Children’s Services, under the Child and Family Services Act.
An adopted person or a birth parent can file a no-contact declaration and statement. They do this if they do not want to be contacted by either the adopted person or the birth parent. This form: allows us to release information; and… more
Use this form to submit the required notice before doing class 2 activities on your quartz claim(s).
Fill out this application to build, install or use an outhouse or contained privy.
Manufacturers of cast-iron boilers or pressure vessels submit this affidavit to affirm their products comply with local guidelines.
Complete this form if you're a fuel distributor in Yukon submitting fuel tax on diesel and related products.
Complete this form if you're a fuel distributor or vendor in Yukon submitting fuel tax on gasoline and related products.
Complete this form to apply for an annual fuel oil emblem. This is appropriate if you or your company does less than 3 trips per month into or through Yukon. If you buy, import or consume petroleum fuel products in Yukon, you're required… more
A representation agreement is a written contract between you and another person – your representative. You can give them the power to make day-to-day decisions about your money or personal affairs. You can have more than 1 representative.
Use the Supported Decision-Making Agreement to write a contract between you and your "associate". This person helps you make decisions; they do not make decisions for you. The law considers your associate as your assistant.
A person e seeking to have a vehicle released from impound will use this form. There are a variety of reasons for which a release from impound may be requested.
A close friend completes this statement before they are chosen to act as a substitute decision-maker for a care recipient who is incapable of making their own care decision. Form 4 of Care Consent Act sections 12(1)(i) and 12(7).