The Board provides an arm’s length forum for reviewing municipal actions and provides an avenue for public input. The Board hears appeals and advises the Minister of Community Services in the areas of planning and municipal boundary changes.
The Board has jurisdiction under the Act specifically:
- to make recommendations on a proposal for the formation, dissolution, or alteration of boundaries of a municipality;
- to act as the board of negotiation under the Expropriation Act for land expropriated by a municipality;
- if requested by a council, to make recommendations on a proposed official community plan or amendments thereto;
- to hear an appeal from a decision of council on an application or plan of subdivision; and
- to perform any other duties the Commissioner in Executive Council may delegate to it under the Act.
- Authority: Municipal Act, section 328
- Type: advisory, adjudicative
- Appointment process: Order-In-Council
- Requirements: no legislated requirements required to join.
- Term: 3 years and may be reappointed
- Meetings: as needed
- Department: Community Services
- Honoraria: $200 per day
Any resident of the Yukon is eligible to apply to serve on a government board or committee.
- Complete the application.
- Prepare a brief resume. This should include information relevant for sitting on the board or committee.
- Submit your completed application and resume.
In person: Inquiry Desk at 2071 Second Avenue in Whitehorse. We are open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Address your envelope "Attention: Boards and Committees Secretariat (CM-1)"
Government of Yukon
Boards and Committees Secretariat (CM-1)
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
How members are selected
Members are appointed by a Minister, Cabinet or the Legislative Assembly.
School board and school council members can be elected or, in some cases, appointed.
Appointments to these boards are based on standing committee recommendations:
- Yukon Development Corporation
- Yukon Energy Corporation
- Yukon Workers' Compensation Health and Safety Board
- Yukon Lottery Commission
- Yukon Recreation Advisory Committee
- Yukon Arts Advisory Council
- Yukon Utilities Board
- Yukon Council on the Economy and the Environment
- Yukon Human Rights Commission
Some boards and committees members are required to hold certain professional qualifications or affiliations.
- Christopher Alway, member from November 28, 2024 to November 27, 2027
- Dennis Shewfelt, chair from April 18, 2024 to April 17, 2027
- Mega Ibrahim, alternate member from August 22, 2024 to August 21, 2027
- Rose Sellars, deputy chair from April 22, 2022, to April 21, 2025
- Wes Wirth, alternate member from April 6, 2022, to April 5, 2025
- Council of Yukon First Nations member: vacant
- Council of Yukon First Nations member: vacant
For questions about the Municipal Board phone Sourdough Secretarial Services 867-633-7612 or email