About the Minister's Advisory Council on Women and Gender Equity
The council:
- reviews policies, programs and legislation related to gender equity or equity for individuals who may face discrimination becasue of their sexual orientation; and
- advises all Government of Yukon ministers with respect to any issues the minister responsible for the Women and Gender Equity Directorate or other minister may refer to the council for its consideration
More about the board
- Authority: Minister's Advisory Council on Women and Gender Equity Act
- Type: advisory
- Appointment process: Order-in-Council
- Requirements:
- Members to be representative of diverse identity factors including gender identity, sexual orientation, indigeneity, race, national and ethic origin, age, place of residence and disability.
- Experience working or voluteering to advance gender equity or equity for persons who may face discrimation because of their sexual orientation.
- Have worked or volunteered with individual with diverse identities.
- Have served as directors or officers of a society or other not-for-profit organization, or provided advice to government.
- Term: not to exceed 3 years but may be reappointed for a further term.
- Meetings: at least 4 times per year
- Department: Women and Gender Equity Directorate
- Honoraria: $125 per day
Apply to be a member
Any Yukon resident is eligible to apply to serve on a government board or committee.
- Complete the application form.
- Prepare a brief resume. This should include information relevant for sitting on the board or committee.
- Submit your completed application and resume.
In person: Inquiry Desk at 2071 Second Avenue in Whitehorse. We're open Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 5 pm. Address your envelope "Attention: Boards and Committees Secretariat (CM-1)"
Email: boards.committees@yukon.ca
Government of Yukon
Boards and Committees Secretariat (CM-1)
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
How members are selected
Members are appointed by a Minister, Cabinet or the Legislative Assembly.
School board and school council members can be elected or, in some cases, appointed.
Appointments to these boards are based on standing committee recommendations:
- Yukon Development Corporation
- Yukon Energy Corporation
- Yukon Workers' Compensation Health and Safety Board
- Yukon Lottery Commission
- Yukon Recreation Advisory Committee
- Yukon Arts Advisory Council
- Yukon Utilities Board
- Yukon Council on the Economy and the Environment
- Yukon Human Rights Commission
Some boards and committees members are required to hold certain professional qualifications or affiliations.
Current members
- Abigail Miller, member from December 12, 2024 to December 11, 2027
- Cindy-Anne Naylor, member from December 12, 2024 to December 11, 2027
- Kelly Labine, member from December 12, 2024 to December 11, 2027
- Marian Horne, member from December 12, 2024 to December 11, 2027
- Michelle Parsons, member from December 12, 2024 to December 11, 2027
- Mirabel Sirois, member from December 12, 2024 to December 11, 2027
- Veronique Maggiore, member from December 12, 2024 to December 11, 2027
For questions about the Minister's Advisory Council on Women and Gender Equity email wged@yukon.ca, phone 867-667-3030.