The board makes recommendations to the Minister on the official recognition and approval of new, changed or rescinded names for geographical features in the Yukon. When considering the naming or renaming of places or features located within the traditional territory of a Yukon First Nation, or when acting with a federal agency where joint jurisdiction over the naming of the place or feature exists, the board shall consult with that Yukon First Nation. A Yukon First Nation may name or rename places or geographical features on Settlement Land and such place names shall be deemed to be approved by the Board. Final authority on the naming of geographical features in Yukon lies with the Minister.
- Authority: Umbrella Final Agreement, Chapter 2.12.0 and 13.11.1
- Type: advisory
- Appointment process: ministerial
- Requirements: no legislated requirements to join
- Term: 3 years
- Meetings: 3 to 4 times per year
- Department: Tourism and Culture
- Honoraria: $125 per day
Any Yukon resident is eligible to apply to serve on a government board or committee.
- Complete the application.
- Prepare a brief resume. This should include information relevant for sitting on the board or committee.
- Submit your completed application and resume.
In person: Inquiry Desk at 2071 2nd Avenue in Whitehorse. We are open Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 5 pm. Address your envelope "Attention: Boards and Committees Secretariat (CM-1)"
Government of Yukon
Boards and Committees Secretariat (CM-1)
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
How members are selected
Members are appointed by a Minister, Cabinet or the Yukon Legislative Assembly.
School board and school council members can be elected or, in some cases, appointed.
Appointments to these boards are based on standing committee recommendations:
- Yukon Development Corporation
- Yukon Energy Corporation
- Yukon Workers' Compensation Health and Safety Board
- Yukon Lottery Commission
- Yukon Recreation Advisory Committee
- Yukon Arts Advisory Council
- Yukon Utilities Board
- Yukon Council on the Economy and the Environment
- Yukon Human Rights Commission
Some boards and committees members are required to hold certain professional qualifications or affiliations.
- Anne Leckie member from August 11, 2022, to August 10, 2025
- Bessie Cooley, member from November 17, 2022, to November 16, 2025
- Gwyneth Kovachik-MacNeil, member from December 12, 2024, to December 11, 2027
- John Ritter, member from August 11, 2022, to August 10, 2025
- Testloa Smith, member from November 17, 2022, to November 16, 2025
- Zena McLean, member from November 17, 2022, to November 16, 2025
For questions about the Geographical Place Names Board phone 867-667-2200. You can visit the board's website to learn more.