You can receive grants if you are a post-secondary student with a disability.
We administer two different Canada Student Grants for students with disabilities that are:
- permanent; or
- persistent or prolonged.
You can be eligible for one or both grants.
The Canada Student Grant for Students with Disabilities is available to students with disabilities for each year of study. You may be eligible to receive up to $2,800 per loan year.
The Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment for Students with Disabilities is intended to offset the costs of support you need to participate in post-secondary studies. You may be eligible to receive up to $20,000 per loan year.
You may be eligible to receive up to $2,800 per loan year if you are a post-secondary student with a disability.
To be eligible for a Canada Student Grant for students with disabilities, your disability must be defined in the Canada Student Financial Assistance Regulations (CSFAR) as either:
- a permanent disability; or
- a persistent or prolonged disability.
A permanent disability is “any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment – or a functional limitation – that restricts the ability of a person to perform the daily activities necessary to pursue studies at a post-secondary school level or to participate in the labour force and that is expected to remain with the person for the person’s expected life.”
A persistent or prolonged disability is “any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment — or a functional limitation — that restricts the ability of a person to perform the daily activities necessary to pursue studies at a post-secondary school level or to participate in the labour force and has lasted, or is expected to last, for a period of at least 12 months but is not expected to remain with the person for the person’s expected life.”
You will need to provide proof of your disability with a copy of 1 of the following:
- a medical certificate;
- a psycho-educational assessment; or
- documentation proving receipt of federal or provincial assistance for your disability.
The document you provide must:
- describe your disability;
- confirm whether your impairments or functional limitations are expected to be permanent or are expected to last for at least 12 months; and
- confirm that your impairments or functional limitations restrict your ability to perform the daily activities necessary to participate in post-secondary education.
You may be eligible to receive up to $20,000 per loan year if you are a post-secondary student with a disability.
As a student with a disability, you may require education-related services and equipment to participate fully in your post-secondary studies. The grant is intended to reimburse you for the cost of these supports, such as:
- specialized tutors;
- note takers;
- Braille products; or
- voice-recognition software.
The list above is an example and does not include all of the equipment or services that are covered.
To be eligible to receive the grant, you’ll need to provide a copy of:
- a letter confirming your needs. The letter must include how the recommended exceptional education-related equipment or services will help you to overcome your functional limitations in a post-secondary environment; and
- a detailed estimate of the cost of the equipment or services for the current academic year.
The letter may be completed by:
- a disability service officer;
- guidance counsellor; or
- a rehabilitation services case worker.
Depending on the type of disability, you may need to provide more information.
You’ll have to provide receipts for all approved costs at the end of your school year.
Fill out an application for the Canada Student Financial Assistance (CSFA) loan or grant for:
Download the Schedule D Canada Student Loan Application for Grants for Students with Permanent Disabilities.
Complete the application.
Submit your application.
After you apply
We’ll process your completed grant application within 8 weeks for domestic post-secondary institutions. Our processing time may take longer if you’re going to an institution outside of Canada.
Once we’ve processed your application, you'll be able to access your decision letter through the online student portal.
Appeal a Canada Student Financial Assistance loan or grant decision
You can submit an appeal to review a decision about the Canada Student Financial Assistance loan or grant to
The Government of Canada provides benefits for students who have permanent disabilities. Learn more about Education funding for people with disabilities.
If you have questions, email or phone 867-667-5929, toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 5929.