Students may appeal the rejection decision made by a student financial services officer.
The Student Financial Assistance Committee acts as an appeal board. Under the legislative authority of the Students Financial Assistance Act (section 10,12 and 17).
The committee is an independent body consisting of a chair and at least 5 other members. The Minister of Education appoints members for a term of 3 years. The committee meets monthly. To learn more about this committee visit Students Financial Assistance Committee.
How to submit an appeal
- Phone the director of Training Programs Kirsti de Vries at 867-334-1174 to discuss:
- your right to appeal; and
- the appeal process.
- Provide a written summary of why you believe the decision should be appealed.
- Submit your summary to the director of Training Programs:
What to expect
The director will forward your appeal to the Student Financial Assistance Committee for review.
The committee will arrange a meeting where you'll make an appearance either:
- in person;
- by phone; or
- sending a proxy or representative.
You'll explain your position and answer any questions from the committee.
The committee chair will mail you a letter to inform you if the decision was:
- overturned; or
- upheld.
The letter will also explain the rationale behind their decision.