The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Statement from Ministers on the transfer of two lots in Dawson from Parks Canada to the Government of Yukon
The Red Feather Saloon and the Former Territorial Courthouse National Historic Site are now owned and managed by the Government of Yukon.
Government of Yukon provides seventh technical briefing on the heap leach failure at Victoria Gold’s Eagle Gold Mine
On August 16, the Government of Yukon provided an update on the heap leach failure at Victoria Gold's Eagle Mine.
School bus routes available for 2024–25 school year
Bus routes for the 2024–25 school year are now available. Parents or guardians will receive an email by August 16 with their child’s route information.
Government of Yukon releases What We Heard report on resource roads regulation
The Government of Yukon released a What We Heard Report on resource roads regulation in the territory.
Yukon youth recognized for outstanding commitment to their communities
Recipients of the 2024 Outstanding Youth Achievement Awards have been announced.
Statement from Premier Pillai on Discovery Day
Premier Pillai wishes Yukoners a safe and enjoyable Discovery Day.
Statement from Minister of Justice and Attorney General on the Government of Yukon’s application for a receiver to be appointed over the assets of Victoria Gold Corporation
The Government of Yukon has lost confidence in Victoria Gold Corp.’s willingness to take the environmental consequences of the heap leach facility failure seriously.
Government of Yukon provides update on water, fish and mammal monitoring offsite of Victoria Gold’s Eagle Gold Mine
Government of Yukon provides update on water, fish and mammal monitoring offsite of Victoria Gold’s Eagle Gold Mine.
Statement from Premier Pillai on International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
Premier Ranj Pillai encourages Yukoners to listen to Indigenous voices, deepen their understanding of Indigenous experiences and reflect on their role in reconciliation.
Government of Yukon releases What We Heard report on review of Residential Landlord and Tenant Act
The Government of Yukon publishes a What We Heard report on feedback from the Residential Landlord and Tenant Act review.