Yukon youth recognized for outstanding commitment to their communities

Four Yukon youths have received the Outstanding Youth Achievement Award for their contributions throughout the territory.

The 2024 recipients are Evan Howells of Whitehorse, Khushi Brar of Whitehorse, Maze Clemente of Dawson and Whitehorse, and Rachel Anderson of Watson Lake.

This award recognizes these youth for their positive impact on the Yukon. Each recipient has contributed in their own unique way, including outstanding performances in the arts, athletics, academics and community involvement.

Each recipient will receive $250, a certificate and a medallion of recognition from the Commissioner of Yukon’s office. Additionally, posters highlighting each recipient and their accomplishments will be distributed across the territory.

Congratulations to Evan, Khushi, Maze and Rachel for their remarkable achievements. You should be proud of the outstanding contributions you have made to your communities. You are exceptional role models for youth across the territory and your dedication to making the Yukon a better place is truly inspirational.

Premier Ranj Pillai

Congratulations to these four incredible youth, this award is well earned. A shout out to those who recognized their talents and nominated them for the award. I encourage others to nominate a shining star they know for next year’s award.

Commissioner of Yukon Adeline Webber

Quick facts
  • Four Yukon youth are selected each year for this award.

  • Recipients receive $250, a certificate and medallion of recognition, and are featured in a poster that will be distributed in schools across the Yukon.

  • These awards are awarded by the Government of Yukon in partnership with the Office of the Commissioner of Yukon.


Evan Howells

Evan (17) is being recognized for his outstanding efforts in science, volunteerism and sports in his Whitehorse community. Evan's biggest volunteer effort is the scientific research and advocacy he’s undertaken to help conserve native bumble bees in the Yukon. Evan presented his study at the 2023 Yukon-Stikine Science Fair/STEM Expo, winning the Commissioner’s Award for Best Project of Fair and a senior medal at the 2023 Canada-Wide Science Fair. He also received the 2023 Nature Inspiration Award, in the youth category, from the Canadian Museum of Nature and the 2023 North American Pollinator Advocate Award for Canada. Evan volunteers at the Whitehorse General Hospital's information desk, helping with directions and information for visitors and patients. He was a member of his senior high school volleyball, basketball and rugby teams and outside of school played on the Yukon’s under-18 Futsal Arctic Winter Games Team in 2024, winning a gold ulu, and was a member of the Yukon’s under-17 Badminton Team for the 2023 Arctic Winter Games and Canada Winter Games. Evan also mentors younger soccer players, tutors students and judges at science fairs. Evan’s hard work in school, sports and his community is outstanding, making him an exemplary role model.


Khushi Brar

Khushi (20) is being recognized for her outstanding effort and dedication in academics and volunteerism in her Whitehorse community. An F.H. Collins alumna, Khushi graduated in June 2022 with Honours and Distinction in French Immersion. She volunteered with the F.H. social justice club where she spent many hours participating in events to spread awareness and fundraise for those in need and as a teacher assistant for a Grade 8 French Immersion math and science class where she helped students with their academics. Khushi has also had a positive impact on the Whitehorse Glacier Bears Swim Club, where she swam competitively and volunteered her time as an assistant swim coach, winning a Whitehorse Glacier Bears Scholarship Award. Currently completing her second year studying psychology at the University of Victoria, Khushi is a highly motivated and responsible youth with a bright future ahead of her.


Maze Clemente

Maze (16) is being recognized for his volunteer work as a volleyball coach and for his dedication to sport in the Yukon. Originally from Dawson, Maze has attended school in Whitehorse for the last few years. His independence and maturity at such a young age has had a profound impact on his teammates, coaches and fellow players. He made the Arctic Winter Games under-19 men’s volleyball team despite being three years younger than most of his teammates, winning silver in 2024. Maze is also a volunteer coach for Subzero’s under-15 girls’ team, which competed in both the B.C. Provincials and Nationals in May. Stepping up to referee games when needed, Maze’s enthusiasm, maturity and expertise have been a valuable resource. Maze was captain of the F.H. Collins Junior volleyball team, which was the gold medal winner at the Yukon Championships and captained his under-16 Subzero club team. In addition to juggling all his athletic endeavours, Maze is an exemplary student at F. H. Collins and a positive role model for his peers.


Rachel Anderson

Rachel (17) is being recognized for her passion in working with youth and her volunteer efforts with the two local schools and throughout the community of Watson Lake. Rachel is heavily involved in volunteering, from helping at a kids’ club and community barn dance to working with local non-profits and other youth-based projects throughout the year. Rachel has devoted time to the Watson Lake Food Bank and the Yukon First Nation Education Directorate’s Early Years Program and is a great ambassador for the town through her roles with the Visitor Centre and the Northern Lights Centre. An honour roll student, Student Council member and volunteer Educational Assistant at the local elementary school, Rachel has shown a commitment to improving students’ experiences through her countless hours of volunteer time in and out of school. The initiatives she’s been involved in include the school yearbook, Spirit Days, intramurals, school concession and younger youth tutoring. Rachel is also a dedicated member of the Senior Girls volleyball team where she serves as co-captain and is a regular participant in community volleyball nights. Rachel is respectful, hardworking, and committed to the betterment of herself, her school and her community.

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications


Jordan Lutz
Executive Council Office, Communications

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