It can be difficult to choose a heating system. Each system has different:
- fuel costs;
- efficiencies; and
- fuel-storage requirements.
If you change your heating system, you may have to:
- replace an oil tank;
- rent propane tanks;
- cut and store firewood; or
- upgrade your electrical panel, or transmission line.
Talk to us about installing a new home heating system.
- Email or phone 867-393-7063 or, toll-free in the Yukon, 1-800-661-0408 and ask to be transferred.
- Visit our office on the 2nd floor, 4114 4th Avenue, RBC Building, Whitehorse. Our office is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
The Affordable Heat Pump Program (AHPP) rebate helps low-to-median income households install a heat pump to lower operating costs, reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.
Who can apply?
You must meet the following criteria.
Due to high demand the AHPP has reached the maximum number of applications. New applicants will be placed on a waitlist until more funding is available.
If you have received funding from the NRCan Oil to Heat Pump Program (OHPA), you are ineligible for the AHPP.
Income eligibility
You must provide proof that your after-tax household income* is equal to or below the following thresholds:
- 1 resident: less than $53,820
- 2 residents: less than $110,400
- 3 residents: less than $139,150
- 4 residents: less than $163,300
- 5 or more residents: less than $184,000
*Equal to the sum of line 23600 minus line 43500 on all relevant Notices of Assessments (Notice of assessment: Get a copy - for all adult household residents. Proof of number of household residents must include a Notice of Assessment for each adult, and proof of Canada Child Benefit for all minors.
Home eligibility
- The home must be at least 6 months old.
- You must own the home.
- The home must be your primary residence.
Eligible systems
- Air-source heat pumps listed as cold climate ready by Natural Resources Canada,
- A ducted system must have a region IV (Canada) heating season performance factor (HSPF) of at least 9 and coefficient of performance (COP) at -15° Celsius of at least 1.75.
- A non-ducted system, also known as a minisplit, must have a: Region IV (Canada) HSPF of at least 10; and COP at -15° Celsius of at least 1.75.
- Ground-source heat pumps must be ENERGY STAR® certified.
What costs are covered?
You can claim 100 per cent of projects up to a maximum of $24,000 for:
- Heat pump sizing, purchase and installation.
- Electrical upgrades, such as panel upgrades, wiring upgrades, new poles, new transformers or any upgrades necessary to install the heat pump.
- Integration of existing backup heating systems with a new heat pump. (backup systems are required during cold weather when heat pumps are less effective)
- Required controls for demand management programs.
Approved applicants who currently heat with oil will receive an upfront payment of $250 from Natural Resources Canada.
Your AHPP application must be approved – before – you install your heat pump. Any installations that occur before you receive approval will not be eligible. You can still apply for our other heat pump rebate for up to 40 per cent of project costs.
Before you install a heat pump
Contact a contractor who is familiar with the AHPP program or follow these steps.
- Check your electrical system
- Have an electrician confirm if your home’s electrical panel and service line can support a heat pump.
- If your electrician identifies the need to upgrade your electrical service, reach out to your utility (ATCO Electric Yukon or Yukon Energy Corporation) to inquire about a potential service upgrade. Note that service upgrades will not be paid for by the utility and must be included in project costs.
- Review these heat pump resources:
- Choose your heat pump
- Make sure the unit is eligible. For ducted systems, confirm the duct design and size match the heat pump.
- Hire a qualified professional
- Use a qualified electrician and refrigeration or a mechanical technician for installation.
- Get a copy of the electrical inspection report.
How to apply for the rebate
Applications are currently paused. New applicants will be placed on a waitlist based on the order they apply in.
Apply online
To apply online, you will need to:
- Create or log in to your account on the Good Energy rebates website.
- Add details about your home.
- Upload receipts and invoices dated within 1 year of your rebate application.
- Receive your application approval before you begin heat pump installation.
What happens next?
You will be notified once your application has been approved or denied, or if more information is required.
This Good Energy rebate is funded in part by the Government of Canada's Low Carbon Economy Fund.

Eligible systems
- An air-source heat pump listed by Natural Resources Canada as "cold climate".
- A ground-source heat pump that's ENERGY STAR® certified.
- Systems must be installed in an existing home. A residence that’s 6 months old or older is considered an existing residence.
- Air source heat pumps must also meet the following minimum performance levels:
- A ducted system must have a region IV (Canada) heating season performance factor (HSPF) of at least 9 and coefficient of performance (COP) at -15° Celsius of at least 1.75.
- A non-ducted system, also known as a minisplit, must have a: Region IV (Canada) HSPF of at least 10; and COP at -15° Celsius of at least 1.75.
What costs are covered?
You can claim 40 per cent of project costs up to a maximum of $8,000 for:
- Heat pump purchase and installation.
- Electrical upgrades, such as panel upgrades, wiring upgrades, new poles, new transformers or any upgrades necessary to install the heat pump.
- Integration of existing heating systems with a new heat pump.
- Removal of existing heating system and components as required.
- Required controls for demand management programs.
If you have low to median income you may be eligible for the Affordable Heat Pump Program (AHPP) found at the top of the page.
If you’ve applied for the Better Buildings program, the rebate may apply to the program funding.
Before you install a heat pump
Contact a contractor who installs heat pumps, or follow these steps.
- Check your electrical system
- Have an electrician confirm if your home’s electrical panel and service line can support a heat pump.
- If your electrician identifies the need to upgrade your electrical service, reach out to your utility (ATCO Electric Yukon or Yukon Energy Corporation) to inquire about a potential service upgrade. Note that service upgrades will not be paid for by the utility and must be included in project costs.
- Review these heat pump resources:
- Choose your heat pump
- Make sure the unit is eligible. For ducted systems, confirm the duct design and size match the heat pump.
- Hire a qualified professional
- Use a qualified electrician and refrigeration or a mechanical technician for installation.
- Get a copy of the electrical inspection report.
Apply for your rebate
Apply online
To apply online, you’ll need to:
- create an account on the Good Energy rebates website; and
- add details about your home.
Your receipts and invoices must be dated within 1 year of submitting your rebate application.
Other ways to apply
- Complete and sign the application form.
- Attach the required documents. Your receipts and invoices must be dated within 1 year of submitting your rebate application:
- approved city or territorial inspection report;
- itemized receipts with no balance owing;
- itemized invoices noted “paid in full” and initialled by supplier; and
- ENERGY STAR® or Natural Resources Canada documents.
- Submit your application to the Energy Branch.
In person: Climate Change and Energy Solutions Centre, 2nd floor, 4114 4th Avenue, RBC Building, Whitehorse. Our office is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Government of Yukon
Energy Branch (EMR-206)
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 - You'll receive a rebate within 12 weeks.
This Good Energy rebate is funded in part by the Government of Canada's Low Carbon Economy Fund.
Other rebates available for installing heat pumps
You can also get a rebate for installing heat pumps in:
- new homes under 6 months old; or
- new or existing commercial, institutional, and multi-unit residential buildings.
Get low-cost funding for qualifying energy upgrades
The Better Buildings program offers low-cost funding to homeowners who complete qualifying energy upgrades to residential buildings.
The funding amount is based on 25 per cent of the property’s assessed value, up to a maximum of $50,000. Homeowners pay back the funding through a local improvement tax.
Seniors can get additional funding for heating costs
The Pioneer Utility Grant assists Yukon seniors with the cost of heating their homes regardless of whether they own or rent. Seniors who are living in social housing or getting a rental subsidy are not eligible for the grant. Heating can be oil, electricity, wood, propane or wood pellets.
Get a loan to upgrade or repair your home
Yukon Housing Corporation offers a loan for homeowners who upgrade or repair their home. The home repair loan is up to $70,000 and amortized up to 15 years in 5-year terms.
Wood is a renewable source of heating in the Yukon.
This rebate is for the installation of qualifying home-heating systems in an existing residence. A residence that is 5 years or older is considered an existing residence.
Eligible wood heating systems include:
- boilers;
- cordwood stoves;
- fireplace inserts;
- furnaces; and
- pellet stoves.
Wood heating systems must:
- be EPA-listed;
- meet EPA New Source Performance Standards; or
- CSA B415.10; and
- have a maximum particulate matter emission ratings not exceeding:
- 2.5 grams per hour for cord wood stoves, pellet stoves, and fireplace inserts;
- 0.1 pounds per 1,000,000 British thermal units for wood boilers; 0.15 pounds per 1,000,000 British thermal units if tested using cord wood; or
- 0.15 pounds per 1,000,000 British thermal units for wood furnaces.
Rebate amount
- $800 for furnaces or boilers (hydronic heaters).
- $600 for pellet stoves.
- $300 for cord wood stoves.
If you’ve applied for the Better Buildings program, the rebate may apply to the program funding.
Apply for your rebate
Apply online
To apply online, you’ll need to:
- create an account on the Good Energy rebates website; and
- add details about your home.
Your receipts and invoices must be dated within 1 year of submitting your rebate application.
Other ways to apply
- Complete and sign the application form.
- Attach the required documents. Your receipts and invoices must be dated within 1 year of submitting your rebate application:
- approved city or territorial inspection report;
- itemized receipts with no-balance owing;
- itemized invoices noted “paid in full” and initialled by supplier; and
- ENERGY STAR, CSA or EPA documents.
- Submit your application to the Energy Branch.
In person: Climate Change and Energy Solutions Centre, 2nd floor, 4114 4th Avenue, RBC Building, Whitehorse. Our office is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Government of Yukon
Energy Branch (EMR-206)
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 - You'll receive a rebate within 12 weeks.
This Good Energy rebate is funded in part by the Government of Canada's Low Carbon Economy Fund.
Get low-cost funding for qualifying energy upgrades
The Better Buildings program offers low-cost funding to homeowners who complete qualifying energy upgrades to residential buildings.
The funding amount is based on 25 per cent of the property’s assessed value, up to a maximum of $50,000. Homeowners pay back the funding through a local improvement tax.
Seniors can get additional funding for heating costs
The Pioneer Utility Grant assists Yukon seniors with the cost of heating their homes regardless of whether they own or rent. Seniors who are living in social housing or getting a rental subsidy are not eligible for the grant. Heating can be oil, electricity, wood, propane or wood pellets.
Get a loan to upgrade or repair your home
Yukon Housing Corporation offers a loan for homeowners who upgrade or repair their home. The home repair loan is up to $70,000 and amortized up to 15 years in 5-year terms.
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If you have questions, email or phone 867-393-7063, toll-free in the Yukon, 1-800-661-0408 and ask to be transferred.