Apply for a building permit

Before you apply

Find out if you need a development permit

You might need to apply for a development permit before you apply for a building or plumbing permit. Find out if your project requires a development permit before you continue with your building or plumbing permit application.

Do you need a building permit?

You need a residential building permit if you're doing any of the following.

Demolishing, moving or building a structure

  • Moving and placement of mobile homes or modular buildings
  • Building residential accessory structures and storage buildings over 130 square feet
  • Building commercial accessory structures and storage buildings of any size
  • Decks that require guards or handrails

Renovations, structural changes or upgrades

  • Creating a bedroom or changing or creating bedroom windows
  • Exits or stairs, barrier-free ramps and washrooms, sprinkler or fire alarm systems and insulation and vapour barrier
  • Changing or adding new plumbing (not including changing fixtures)
  • Changing or relocating chimneys

Heating equipment installation or replacement

  • Woodstoves, pellet stoves, oil-fired space heaters and fuel-fired equipment
  • Installing fuel tanks

Changing the use of a building

Creating multiple dwelling units or a secondary residential suite

Apply for a building permit

The Government of Yukon issues building permits outside of Whitehorse city limits.

  1. Complete the residential building and plumbing permit checklist. Find Guidelines for Commercial Building and Plumbing permits here.
  2. Complete the building permit application and, or plumbing permit application.
  3. If the proposed building is large, or small but complex, you may need to complete the Letters of Assurance of Professional Design and Field Review, and the Code Analysis. You can download a tracking document for Letters of Assurance.
  4. Submit the forms and supporting documents.
    By email:
    In person: 2251B 2nd Avenue, Whitehorse
    Fax: 867-393-6249
    Government of Yukon
    Building Safety and Standards (C-8)
    Box 2703
    Whitehorse, Yukon
    Y1A 2C6
  5. Permits are usually issued within 5 business days if your application is complete. The work must be started and inspected within 6 months of the permit being issued.

The City of Whitehorse issues building permits within city limits. 

Sample plans

Use these sample plans to assist you in developing your own plans when you apply for a permit.


For questions about applying for a building or plumbing permit email or phone: 867-667-5741 or toll free in Yukon: 1-800-661-0408, ext. 5741.

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