All psychologists providing services to Yukoners whether in person, in writing, over the phone, virtual or online must:
- Register;
- Hold a Yukon certificate; and
- Renew their certificate every year.
At this time, the onboarding of psychologists will not be done through the online licensing system.
Please contact to request your application package.
Applications will be processed once all supporting documentation, including all verifications and registration, has been received by the Professional & Corporate Affairs Branch.
Documents can be submitted via:
- Email as attachments with your name as the subject line (JPG, PDF, or PNG).
- Mail to Professional & Corporate Affairs, YG Community Services (C-5) Box 2703, Whitehorse Yukon, Y1A, 2C6.
- In-person at 307 Black Street, Whitehorse Yukon, between 8:30 am - 4:30 pm.
There are four types of registration. Each certificate type listed below has information on:
- Eligibility;
- Documentation requirements; and
- Fees.
Full Certificate
A full certificate allows you to:
- Use the title of psychologist, registered psychologist and registered doctoral psychologist; and
- Work to the full extent of the Yukon's regulations.
You must meet one of the following sets of requirements.
Option 1
- Hold an equivalent to full registration in another Canadian jurisdiction; and
- Are in good standing in that jurisdiction.
Option 2
- Hold a master's degree or doctorate in psychology from an approved degree program; and
- Pass the Examination of Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) or equivalent with a minimum passing score of 70 per cent; and
- Have met all the requirements specific to the transition period from a Yukon provisional certificate.
If you've had any complaints or disciplinary or criminal action against you:
- We'll assess your eligibility on a case-by-case basis; and
- We may not approve your registration.
Required documentation
All applicants
- Your current government-issued photo ID (not a health care card).
- A copy of your highest psychology degree obtained.
- Proof of valid liability insurance for at least $3,000,000.00 as per section 8 of the Regulation.
- Proof of Jurisprudence examination completion. Note, as we transition to regulating psychologists, the Jurisprudence Exam requirement is waived. Development of the exam is expected by October 2025 and registrants will have until July 31, 2026 to pass it.
- Proof of Yukon First Nation 101 (YukonU) completion. Note, as we transition to regulating psychologists, registrants must provide proof of completion of Yukon First Nation 101 by July 31, 2026.
- Criminal record check issued within the last three months.
Applicants registered to practice in another jurisdiction
- Certificates of standing from all jurisdictions currently and previously licensed in. These documents must be sent directly to Professional & Corporate Affairs from the regulator.
- Registration (one-time fee): $50
- Annual certificate: $200
Provisional certificate
A provisional certificate allows you to:
- Hold a certificate if you have not completed an exam or assessment deemed to be equivalent to the clinical component of the Examination for Professional Practice of Psychology (EPPP);
- Work under supervision; and
- Use the title of provisional psychologist.
You can renew a provisional certificate twice with a possibility for a third term if approved by the registrar.
You must meet all the following requirements. You must:
- Hold a master's degree or doctorate in psychology from an approved degree program.
- Submit a supervision plan outlining how you will complete 1,600 hours of supervised practice in the Yukon within three years of your provisional registration.
- Enlist one or more supervisors who hold a full psychologist certificate in the Yukon.
If a provisional registrant does not complete the requirements set out in subsection (2) within the time required, the Registrar must cancel the individual's registration, but the individual may apply to be reregistered as a provisional registrant.
If you've had any complaints or disciplinary or criminal action against you:
- We'll assess your eligibility on a case-by-case basis; and
- We may not approve your registration.
Required documents
All applicants
- Your current government issued ID (not a health care card).
- A copy of your highest psychology degree obtained including a transcript of the courses taken.
- Proof of liability insurance.
- Letter(s) from your Yukon supervisor(s) including confirmation that they understand the practice-based assessments required.
- Registration (one-time fee): &50
- Annual license fee: $100
Courtesy certificate
A courtesy certificate allows you to:
- Work in the Yukon for specified purposes that is approved by the Registrar of Psychologists.
Courtesy certificates are valid for a period determined by the Registrar, which must not exceed three months and must not be issued more than twice within a registration year.
- Hold a full certificate in another Canadian jurisdiction; and
- Are in good standing in that jurisdiction.
Required documentation
All applicants
- Your current government-issued ID (not a health care card).
- Certificate of standing from your home jurisdiction.
- Summary of Purpose form approved by the Registrar. This may be submitted in advance of application to determine if the Courtesy or Full pathway is the correct route.
- Proof of liability insurance.
- Registration (one-time fee): $50
- Annual license fee: $100
Inactive certificate
An inactive certificate allows you to maintain your standing as a psychologist in the Yukon if you will not be actively practicing.
Only people who already hold a full psychologist certificate in the Yukon can apply for an inactive license.
Required documentation
- Proof of insurance; and
- Criminal record check.
All applicants registered to practice in another jurisdiction
Your verification of registration, sent directly to Professional & Corporate Affairs from all jurisdictions currently previously licensed in.
- Registration fees: $50
- Annual license fee: $100
Standards of practice for Yukon psychologists
Review the standards of practice for Yukon psychologists.
Review the Health Professions Act.
Review the Psychology Regulation.
For questions about the application process, email or phone 867-667-5111, toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 511.