All insurers doing business in the Yukon must:
- register;
- hold a Yukon licence; and
- renew their licence every year.
Listed below is information on:
- eligibility;
- classes of insurance available in the Yukon;
- documentation requirements; and
- fees.
We recommend reading this information before applying.
The business must be licensed and incorporated:
- by another provincial regulator; or
- through the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI).
If there have been any complaints or disciplinary or criminal action against the business, we:
- will assess eligibility on a case-by-case basis; and
- may not approve the registration or licensing.
In the Yukon, an insurer can obtain a licence for the following classes of insurance:
- accident and sickness;
- aircraft;
- automobile;
- boiler and machinery;
- credit;
- fidelity;
- hail;
- legal expense;
- liability;
- life;
- marine;
- mortgage;
- property;
- surety; and
- title.
Approving your Yukon class of insurance
We'll approve your class of insurance if you hold the same or equal class with your incorporating regulator. Existing conditions or limitations on your incorporating regulator licence may apply to your Yukon licence.
The Yukon uses the Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators (CCIR) harmonized licence application form.
- Download the CCIR licence application and appendices.
- Fill out the application and appendices.
- Submit completed forms with your application through the portal. You must provide these in an electronic format such as JPG, PDF or PNG.
The portal has more details on these requirements.
You must pay the following fees for each class of licence you apply for.
Joint stock and mutual companies
Annual licence fees
- Life: $300
- Property: $150
- Accident: $150
- Other: $50
Mutual benefit and fraternal societies
Annual licence fees
- Life: $50
- Accident or sickness: $50
Municipal exchange
Annual licence fees
This is an annual flat fee of $500.
If we approve your application, we'll email you an invoice for your annual licensing fee. Once you receive this invoice, you can pay through the portal.
- Create a profile. With your profile you'll be able to:
- log in to the portal at any time;
- upload documents;
- view your registration information; and
- apply for a licence.
- Follow the steps after selecting "Apply for a licence" under the "Licensing" tab.
- Refer to information on this page if needed.
- You do not have to submit an application to create a profile on the portal.
- Prepare your documents ahead of time. Save them first as digital files so that they're ready to upload when you apply.
- You can take a picture of a document with your mobile device to submit it as a digital document.
For questions about the application process, email or phone 867-455-2977.