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Securities Act Complaint Form

The Yukon Fuel Price Survey report, December 2023, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.  

Reference instructions for individuals named as a reference by students pursuing studies in Early Childhood Education. Learn about how to Apply for funding to study early childhood education.

Read the final report on the review of Inclusive and Special Education in the Yukon. Learn more about Reimagining inclusive and special education in the Yukon.

The winter 2023 edition of the Dempster Fibre Project's newsletter.

Yukon tourism performance indicators include border crossings, air arrivals, accommodation occupancy rates, etc. Quarter 2 covers January to June 2023. Read more visitation reports: 

This document outlines the Yukon Liquor Board's review on December 22, 2023, of Klondike River Distillery's liquor licence application.

Use this form to apply if you're a low-to-moderate-income earner in need of a rental subsidy. Make sure your application is complete before you submit it to us.

Summary of the Fisheries Status Report for Little Atlin Lake. 

Fisheries status report for Little Atlin Lake, Yukon. Species considered include northern pike, lake trout and lake whitefish. 

The Retail Trade report, October 2023, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.  

The Payroll Employment, Earnings and Hours, and Job Vacancies report, October 2023, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.  

Building Safety and Standards information for contractors regarding usable wall space and kitchen counter receptacles.  Get Yukon-specific updates to the Canadian electric code.

The Employment Insurance report, October 2023, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.  

Report on long-term groundwater monitoring stations in Yukon.

Each year, the Government of Yukon reports on the implementation of Our Clean Future as part of our commitment to transparency and accountability to Yukoners. This report is the third annual report, covering progress made during the 2022 calendar year. 

This report presents the Yukon’s most recent greenhouse gas emissions data, explains how they are calculated including an overview of recent methodological updates, and analyses the impact of key factors such as the Yukon’s population and gross domestic product on emissions.

This report communicates the Government of Yukon’s total greenhouse gases in 2021, including identifying major emission sources and providing an analysis of the factors that have influenced emissions over time.

Biweekly respiratory surveillance report for week ending December 16, 2023. You can also download previous reports on respiratory surveillance.

Fire Marshal's Office report into Takhini River Fire XY019, published December 19, 2023.

The Consumer Price Index report, November 2023, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.  

Application instructions for students pursuing part-time studies in Early Childhood Education. Find more information at Apply for funding to study early childhood education.

Recipients of both full-time and part-time Early Childhood Education bursaries are required to adhere to specific conditions to ensure that the funds are being used to help students progress through their studies. Find more information at Apply for funding to study early childhood education.

Early Childhood Education Bursary information for students pursuing full-time and part-time education. Find more information at Apply for funding to study early childhood education. 

Application instructions for students pursuing full-time studies in Early Childhood Education. Find more information at Apply for funding to study early childhood education.

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