
Displaying 1451 - 1475 of 9352

2020 survey of the Lower Macmillan River Moose Management Unit to estimate abundance, distribution and composition of moose population. 

These are the maps used in the Alaska Highway West local area plan: Draft Background Report. 

This is a Draft Background Report on the Alaska Highway West local area plan. It is a compilation of all the relevant information needed to make good land use decisions as planning moves forward.

Learn how to apply for education positions including how to be a teacher on call with Department of Education. Find more information about jobs in schools.

The Yukon Monthly Statistical Review report, December 2023, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.  

Access the Dawson Yukon River Engagement: Preliminary result summary.

This form is to apply to the Food Literacy Grant for the Kids in the Kitchen and We Can Cook programs. Submit your completed form to the health promotion team in-person, by mail, email or fax.

These are the regulatory guidelines and policies for child care and family day home programs in Yukon. Find more information at Early childhood learning and programs.

These are guidelines and policies for child care and family day home programs in Yukon. Find more information at Early childhood learning and programs.

These terms of service apply to vendor access to the Government of Yukon's Online Marketplace.

Summary of the results of the 2023 Aishihik bison herd population survey. 

Results of the 2023 Aishihik bison herd population survey. 

This pay grid applies to teachers employed by the Government of Yukon and is part of the Collective agreement between Government of Yukon and the Yukon Association of Education Professionals. Learn about the teacher pay grid categories in the Teacher Qualification Regulations and find a summary in Schedule A.… more

This policy is to provide direction regarding smoking, including both tobacco and vapour products, on school grounds and during school-related activities. Find a Department of Education policy.

The signatory document and the attached Yukon Education Violence Threat Risk Assessment Protocol reflect the shared understanding and agreement about how to respond to threats in Yukon Schools and Communities. Find a Department of Education policy.

This policy is to ensure that Yukon schools: establish and communicate a process for the selection of a valedictorian and the criteria upon which the selection is based; clearly outline the expectation of a valedictorian from the time of selection to graduation; and specify the process to revoke the selection of a… more

This Policy is to provide guidelines for dealing with situations of substance use occurring at Yukon schools and in school communities. Find a Department of Education policy.

Yukon Education provides accommodation to Yukon students who are required to live away from home to attend school at the Gadzoosdaa Student Residence. Eligibility criteria for accommodation and priority for admission are set out in the “Student Accommodation and Boarding Allowance Policy”. This document outlines the… more

This policy outlines the principals, purposes, guidelines and procedures of school locker use and locker searches. Find a Department of Education policy.

This Policy reviews the guidelines that will be applied to any request for leave to accompany students to a sanctioned event that is not sponsored by the employee's school or by the Department of Education. Find a Department of Education policy.

Yukon sustainable tourism 2022 annual report establishes baseline data for key elements identified in the Yukon Sustainable Tourism Framework. It contains data from 2019-2022.  

The Report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions attributable to Tourism in Yukon report, 2017-2019, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.

These general conditions for the Online Marketplace apply to and are incorporated into the contract between the Government of Yukon and the Supplier. 

Read the Department of Environment's GreenLeaf print reduction commitment.

Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust video submission instructions for projects that support victims or prevent crime.

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