A person uses this form to register a land transfer.
Use this form to request a copy of your transcript or student records.
Order your Yukon high school transcript.
Use this form to enrol your child or dependent in a Catholic school in Whitehorse.
Learn about the school Catholic program in Whitehorse.
This document is the application form for the Carmacks and Faro land lottery.
The Youth Investment Fund allocates money for youth projects. The goal of the fund is to provide healthy opportunities for marginalized youth in the territory. You can apply for this fund if you're a First Nation government, a… more
Use this form to request support for people who have life-limiting illnesses. Health care professionals, family, friends or volunteers use this form. This form starts the request for a consultation with the Yukon Palliative Care… more
A health care provider fills out this form. It declares that a person in care cannot make reasonable financial decisions. This will help provide financial protection for that person.
Parents or guardians complete this form to consent or refuse consent of their child’s enrolment in Yukon Children's Dental Program.
Government of Yukon officials may require that a post-secondary school complete this form to provide more information, as part of a Student Financial Assistance application.
Fill this form to apply for a grant with Canada Student Financial Assistance if you're a student with a disability.
Learn more about applying for a grant as a student with a disability.
Use this form to apply for Yukon student financial assistance, which includes the Yukon Grant, student training allowance, Yukon excellence awards and scholarships.
Fill out this form if you live in Yukon and want to apply for a Canada student financial assistance loan and/or grants for your full-time post-secondary studies.
You can use this form to apply for intensive case management and outreach supports. Use this form if you are experiencing:
complex mental or physical health needs; substance use challenges; housing instability or homelessness… more
Use this form to apply for a Good Energy rebate for installing a Level 2 electric vehicle charger for your home.
Use this form to apply to renew your Yukon driver's licence.
An owner of a certificate of title uses this form to request a change of address on a title. Find out how to change an address.
Complete this form if you're a permit holder who purchased, imported or consumed fuel oil in the fuel system of a vehicle in Yukon. Truckers, inter-provincial carriers, through carriers, and individuals can submit this quarterly return… more
Use this form to report incidents or issues on behalf of clients or residents of continuing care facilities.
Use this form to submit your workshop proposals by Monday, July 15, 2024 at 4:30pm for the 2024 Early Learning and Child Care conference. This year's theme is "Learn, Explore and Grow Together".
Learn about the 2024 Early… more
The contracted/non-member school council secretary-treasurer uses this form to pledge an oath that they will not disclose any student information or employee personnel records.
Learn about school councils
Yukon seniors who own or rent their homes can apply to the Pioneer Utility Grant (PUG) to get help with paying for home heating costs on their primary residence.
Learn more about applying for the Pioneer Utility Grant. Calculate… more
Yukon seniors who own or rent their homes can apply to the Pioneer Utility Grant (PUG) to get help with paying for home heating costs on their primary residence. For renters, this certificate is completed by the landlord and submitted… more
This form is used to apply for funding for maintenance on roads that meet the criteria for the Rural Road Maintenance Program. Seasonal or permanent residents can apply for a road they live on. The spokesperson for the road’s residents… more