Order of precedence

The order of precedence establishes the order of people for official functions and events.

The Yukon's order of precedence

  1. Governor General of Canada
  2. Prime Minister of Canada
  3. Commissioner of Yukon
  4. Premier of the Yukon
  5. federal Cabinet members
  6. Speaker of the Yukon Legislative Assembly
  7. Yukon First Nations Chiefs
  8. Grand Chief of the Executive of the Council of Yukon First Nations
  9. Ambassador or High Commissioner (Foreign) accredited to Canada
  10. Justice of the Supreme Court of Yukon
  11. Members of the Government of Yukon Executive Council (Cabinet)
  12. Leader of the Official Opposition
  13. Members of the Yukon Legislative Assembly 
  14. Member of Parliament for Yukon
  15. Member of the Senate for Yukon
  16. RCMP Divisional Commander
  17. Armed Forces Commander
  18. Judge or Justice of the Territorial Court
  19. Heads of Consular Posts (Foreign)
  20. Mayors
  21. Government of Yukon Deputy Ministers and senior officials with the status of Deputy Ministers
  22. presidents or executive directors of non-governmental organizations
  23. Courtesy: Other dignified positions (such as former Commissioners or government leaders, current councillors and Elders)

You can send questions about the Yukon's order of precedence to the chief of protocol by email at protocol@yukon.ca or by calling 867-393-6281.

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