Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is an environmental and economic policy approach to waste management. It means that the producers of products and packaging must make sure these products and packaging are properly managed when they reach the end of their life cycle.
Extended Producer Responsibility in the Yukon
Our Clean Future commits the Government of Yukon to implementing an Extended Producer Responsibility program in the Yukon by 2025.
The primary goals for bringing this program to the Yukon are to:
- reduce the costs of waste management for the territorial government, municipalities and taxpayers;
- provide financial stability for recycling;
- increase the amount of waste kept out of landfills;
- help reach the waste diversion and greenhouse gas reduction targets under Our Clean Future; and
- encourage a circular economy.
The 2 categories of materials the program will affect first in the Yukon are:
- paper products and packaging, such as common blue box type items (not including beverage containers);
- hazardous and special products, including toxic, corrosive and flammable materials such as household cleaners, batteries, waste paints, bear spray, camping fuels and solvents, waste oil, waste antifreeze and their containers. This category captures items you would commonly bring to household hazardous waste day.
Extended Producer Responsibility is on its way
In early 2022, the Government of Yukon consulted with most affected stakeholders to draft a legislative proposal for the Extended Producer Responsibility regulation.
From November 1, 2022, to February 17, 2023, the government conducted full public and stakeholder engagement to collect feedback through stakeholder meetings, written submissions and public survey.
Read the executive summary of What We Heard about Extended Producer Responsibility.
Read the full What We Heard report on Extended Producer Responsibility.
In the Fall 2023 Legislature Sitting, Bill No. 28, Amendments to the Environment Act was passed which allows the implementation of the Extended Producer Responsibility Regulation.
Effective January 25, 2024, the Extended Producer Responsibility Regulation is in effect. The passing of this regulation marks the start of the implementation period.
Guidance documents
- Am I a Steward
- Obligated Products
- Steward Obligations
- Stewardship Plan Requirements
- Engagement Requirements
Next steps
To develop and approve EPR's program plans for implementation by the end of 2025.
Stewardship plans are being drafted and Producer Responsibility Organizations (PROs) are leading the engagement.
To learn more visit:
- Canadian Battery Association for Batteries
- Circular Materials for Packaging and Paper Products
- Call 2 Recycle for Batteries
- Interchange Recycling for Oil, Diesel Exhaust Fluid, and Antifreeze
- Product care for Hazardous and Special Products
Learn more about Extended Producer Responsibility
Read Extended Producer Responsibility in the Yukon – exploration and implementation considerations (2021):
- Executive summary
- Part 1: Current programs and infrastructure
- Part 2: Introduction and basics
- Part 3: Engagement
- Part 4: Regulatory vision and priority materials
Read the basics of Extended Producer Responsibility (2022)
Read the economic analysis of development and implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility in the Yukon (2023).
Read the waste flow study on printed paper and packaging generated by Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) sectors in the Yukon (2023).
Learn more about Extended Producer Responsibility by watching this video.
For questions about Extended Producer Responsibility, email envprot@yukon.ca or phone 867-667-5683 or toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 5683.