Legal and social supports
The Government of Yukon and its SART (Sexualized Assault Response Team) partners are working to improve and expand services for victims of sexualized assault in Yukon communities.
To help with this, Ipsos and Sisco & Associates Consulting Services Inc. want to speak with victims and survivors of sexualized assault* about how to enhance support services.
As public servants and Yukoners, we are committed to maintaining high ethical standards as we work to deliver important programs and services. We believe an honest, open, and accountable public service is the cornerstone of a healthy civil society.
To develop Yukon’s approach to a carbon rebate framework, we asked Yukoners to provide input on how to best return money to Yukoners and Yukon businesses as a rebate. This involved an online engagement between August 16 and September 13, 2017 as well as targeted information sessions in Whitehorse, Haines Junction and Dawson City with representatives from First Nations governments, municipal governments, and business groups. In total, 665 individuals completed the online survey (71.4% Whitehorse, 28.6% other) and more than 40 participants attended the information sessions.
The Government of Yukon wishes to amend the Legal Profession Act, with the goal of tabling a bill during the fall legislative session.
The current Act has not kept up with changes to the way the legal profession is regulated in other Canadian jurisdictions, and needs flexibility to deal with the way the legal profession has changed over the last 20 years.