Births, marriages, and deaths
The Coroners Act came about in 1958, and has not been substantially updated since then. We know the public wants us to make sure that all unexplained or unexpected deaths in Yukon are investigated thoroughly by coroners who work in a professional, efficient and impartial Coroner’s Service.
The Government of Yukon sought direction on how Yukon’s Wills Act should be updated. The Wills Act has not been amended since it came into force in 1954. A review of the Act revealed that there are some provisions that should be updated to reflect the needs of modern society and to keep pace with changes to legislation in other Canadian jurisdictions.
The Government of Yukon is seeking direction on how Yukon’s Enduring Power of Attorney Act should be updated. A review of the Act revealed that there are some provisions that should be updated to reflect the needs of modern society and to keep pace with changes to legislation in other Canadian jurisdictions.