It's important to understand who is visiting Yukon, what they like to do and how they travel.
Explorer Quotient (EQ) is a market segmentation tool. It will help you understand the types of experiences your visitors are seeking. Visitors choose vacation experiences based on their personal and social beliefs. This knowledge will help you target your marketing.
The EQ system was developed by Destination Canada.
EQ research is changing the way Canadian businesses develop and market their travel experiences. Use this research to learn:
- who your business attracts; and
- how you can better speak to them.
EQ research in Yukon
EQ sorts travellers into 6 "Explorer Types":
- Authentic Experiencers
- Cultural Explorers
- Familiarity Seekers (includes Gentle Explorers, No-Hassle Travellers and Virtual Travellers)
- Free Spirits
- Historians
- Rejuvenators
These flat sheets provide a snapshot of Canadian visitors to Yukon by:
- identifying our top Explorer Types based on results from the Yukon Visitor Tracking Program (2012–2013); and
- showing who our most common Canadian visitors are, what they seek and what they avoid when travelling.
Training opportunities
Learn about upcoming sessions
Subscribe to our industry newsletter to find out about upcoming training on how to use EQ research.
You will also receive information on:
- training opportunities in other, related subjects;
- industry advisories;
- visitor statistics and data; and
- updates on Tourism Branch activities and more.
- Get started
- Download Destination Canada's EQ Toolkit
- Download the EQ profiles
- Watch Destination Canada videos
Find tourism and visitor statistics and reports from Industry Services.
For questions or to request custom reports from our data sets, email or phone 867-667-8408.