We make draft versions of forestry plans available for public comment.
The following documents are only available in English.
Access management plans
There are no plans for review at this time.
Timber harvest plans
There are no plans for review at this time.
Silviculture plans
A silviculture plan describes activities to:
- manage a forest ecosystem; and
- meet socio-economic goals within that forest.
Pine Canyon Unit 17 silviculture plan
The planned treatment is located within the Marshall Creek area forestry reserve, approximately 10 kilometres northeast of Haines Junction along the Alaska Highway. The area has been impacted by a historic large scale spruce beetle outbreak, with salvage harvesting occurring in the region.
The objectives of this silviculture treatment plan are to maintain acceptable regeneration levels according to relevant plans and stocking standards. Seedlings will be primarily planted in clearings without natural regeneration and will also be used to fill in spots in areas with some natural regeneration or stands that were only partially harvested.
Plan documents
Pine Canyon Unit 17 2024-2025 silviculture treatment plan
Submit your comments the Forest Management Branch by February 21, 2025.
Email: forestry@yukon.ca
Government of Yukon
Forest Management Branch (K-918)
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
Submit your comments on a timber harvest plan to the Forest Management Branch.
Email: forestry@yukon.ca
Government of Yukon
Forest Management Branch (K-918)
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6