Off-road vehicle management areas:
- designate areas that are no longer open to off-road vehicle use;
- outline which roads and trails can be used year-round; and
- outline any seasonal restrictions for certain types of off-road vehicles.
There are currently 3 off-road vehicle management areas. You can see where the management areas are located on GeoYukon, our interactive map:
- Ddhaw Ghro Habitat Protection Area;
- alpine areas 1,400 metres or higher; and
- West Hart River Landscape Management Unit 4.
Outside of these 3 areas, you can continue to use off-road vehicles on the existing network of trails and roads. Learn more about where you can drive your off-road vehicle.
Permits to operate within an off-road vehicle management area
In most cases, you can continue to use many of the roads and trails that are commonly used in an off-road vehicle management area. However, some trails could be closed or restricted based on a trail plan. If you need to operate in areas where off-road vehicle activity is limited, you can apply for a permit. Learn how to apply.
The Land Management Branch can help you with any questions. Phone 867-667-5215 or email