Village of Carmacks celebrates the opening of its new firehall

On September 16, the Government of Canada, the Government of Yukon and the Village of Carmacks celebrated the opening of the new Carmacks firehall. The celebration included a ribbon-cutting ceremony, tours, demonstrations and a community barbecue.

The new, modern firehall features fire apparatus bays, which are designated areas within a fire station where firefighting vehicles and equipment are stored and maintained, as well as Emergency Medical Services space, a training room, a business centre and support spaces.

Statement from Minister of Education and the Minister responsible for the Women and Gender Equity Directorate Jeanie McLean on Gender Equality Week

Minister of Education and the Minister responsible for the Women and Gender Equity Directorate Jeanie McLean has issued the following statement:

“Every September, we mark Gender Equality Week in the Yukon. It’s not just a nod to progress or ideals but a celebration of a fundamental human right that everyone deserves. Gender equality means embracing and valuing everyone, be they women, men, neither, both or anywhere on the gender spectrum.

Yukon Permanent Art Collection exhibits new acquisitions

An exhibition featuring 18 new works added to the Yukon Permanent Art Collection opened today in the main foyer of the Jim Smith Building in Whitehorse.

Featuring a wide range of media including painting, sculpture, textile, printmaking and fine craft, Out in the Open explores the artistic inspiration and influence of the Yukon’s vastness.

Update on Government of Yukon service outages due to cyberattack

On September 14, the Government of Yukon experienced a cyberattack targeted at resulting in services being intermittent or unavailable from approximately 12 am to 4 pm. The attack is continuing, however, efforts to mitigate the attack have been effective and approximately 90 per cent of government services were restored by the morning of September 15. There is no evidence that this attack resulted in any unauthorized access to private citizen data, government systems or government files.

Whitehorse vaccine clinic moving to new location

The Whitehorse vaccine clinic is relocating to Northern Vision Development (NVD) Place at the corner of 4th Avenue and Ogilvie. The clinic was previously operating out of the Yukon Convention Centre. This move is part of the Government of Yukon’s efforts to integrate COVID-19 supports into ongoing health service operations.

Statement from Premier Pillai on Rosh Hashanah

Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

“This evening at sunset, Jewish communities across Canada and around the world will begin celebrating Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.

“Rosh Hashanah is a two-day observation and celebration marking the beginning of the 10-day High Holidays before Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. This period is a time for introspection, to reflect on the previous year and to seek reconciliation in preparation for the year to come.

Statement from Minister of Education on the Yukon RCMP investigation at Jack Hulland Elementary School

Minister of Education Jeanie McLean has issued the following statement:

The Yukon RCMP announced today that they have completed their investigation into allegations regarding the use of holds and isolation spaces at Jack Hulland Elementary School and are now preparing a comprehensive final report.

“While the conclusion of the RCMPs investigation represents a significant milestone in this investigation, which has been ongoing since November 2021, it does not yet provide families with answers.

2SLGBTQIA+ Yukoners, allies and government service providers encouraged to participate in survey on Inclusion Action Plan

The Government of Yukon has released an online survey to check in with the 2SLGBTQIA+ community on the Yukon government’s progress on the five-year LGBTQ2S+ Inclusion Action Plan. 

The Yukon government released the Inclusion Action Plan in 2021 to ensure its services and programs are inclusive of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. One of the plan’s key commitments is to conduct a survey with 2SLGBTQIA+ Yukoners and allies every two years. Results from the survey will:

Premier, Minister and Yukon business delegation conclude Tokyo portion of Asia mission, sign tourism agreement

Premier Ranj Pillai, Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources and Tourism and Culture John Streicker and a Yukon business delegation have concluded business development meetings in Tokyo and signed a tourism agreement with Japanese tour companies. Premier Pillai and the business delegation will continue the Asia mission in the coming days in Trivandrum, India.

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