The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Operation NANOOK-TATIGIIT enhances Yukon's emergency preparedness
The Government of Yukon participated in a territorial emergency preparedness exercise this week.
School board celebrates taking on the operation of francophone early learning and child care centre
After more than three decades, the Garderie du petit cheval blanc comes under the governance of the Commission Scolaire Francophone du Yukon (CSFY).
Statement from Minister Mostyn on the first-ever Yukon Chiefs and Mayors Forum
Minister Mostyn issued a statement on the first-ever Yukon Chiefs and Mayors Forum
The Government of Yukon provides increased funding to Yukon municipalities
The Government of Yukon announces $24.5 million to municipalities.
The Government of Yukon awards 16 bursaries to Yukon students pursuing careers in health and social services
The Government of Yukon awards 16 health bursaries to support Yukon students pursuing careers in priority health and social service professions.
Nurse and nurse practitioner licensing and registration will be streamlined in the Yukon
The Government of Yukon receives assent to bill that facilitates new licensing pathways for nurses wanting to work in the territory.
Government of Yukon passes the amendments to the Environment Act
The amendments to the Environment Act received assent, bringing the Yukon one step closer to implementing Extended Producer Responsibility.
Statement from Premier Pillai on meeting with US Consul General DeHart
Premier Pillai has met with US Consul General DeHart in Whitehorse to discuss economic development and Arctic security.

Yukon First Nations and health system partners to guide development of Health and Wellness Yukon and Putting People First
Legislation that will lay the base for the Yukon’s future health and social system is underway, with guidance from the health system representatives and Yukon First Nations.
Restaurant to open at the Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport
New food services will be offered at the Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport.