The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
March snow survey shows snowpack is below average to average across most of the Yukon, above average in the North
The Government of Yukon has released the March Yukon Snow Survey Bulletin and Water Supply Forecast.
Statement from Premier Pillai on intergovernmental relations
Premier Pillai provides an update on Government of Yukon’s efforts to strengthen ties with other governments since November 2023.
Government vaping bill will make gains towards addressing increasing vaping rates
Government vaping bill will make gains towards addressing increasing vaping rates.
Government of Yukon’s 2024-25 Budget provides significant investments in health care, education and housing alongside sustainable fiscal management
Today, Finance Minister Sandy Silver tabled the Government of Yukon’s 2024–25 Budget.

Statement from Premier Pillai on the passing of Frances Gus’Duteen Woolsey
Premier Ranj Pillai issues a statement on the passing of Frances Gus’Duteen Woolsey.
Government of Yukon officials attend Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada annual conference
Government of Yukon officials wrap up attendance at the 2024 Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) annual conference.
Government of Yukon provides updates on Health Human Resources progress
Government of Yukon shares progress on the Yukon’s Health Human Resources strategy.
Government of Yukon announces funding recipients under the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence
The Government of Yukon Women and Gender Equity Directorate announces the recipients receiving funding through the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence.
Statement from Premier Ranj Pillai and Minister of Community Services Richard Mostyn congratulating the Special Olympics Team Yukon
The Government of Yukon congratulates Special Olympics Team Yukon on their success at the 2024 Special Olympic Canada Winter Games.
The Government of Yukon is working to make life more affordable for Yukoners
The Government of Yukon continues to fight the effects of inflation on Yukoners.