The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Whitehorse Walk-In Clinic moves to permanent location at Mah’s Point
Whitehorse Walk-In Clinic moves to its permanent location at Mah’s Point, 2145 2nd Avenue on April 29, 2024.
Statement from the Yukon Advisory Committee on MMIWG2S+ People on the coroner’s inquest
Yukon Advisory Committee on MMIWG2S+ acknowledges closing of Coroner’s Inquest.

The modernized Exemptions Act receives assent
Bill 36 modernizes the Exemptions Act’s framework, balancing the rights of Yukoners going through serious debt problems and the rights of their creditors.
Statement from Minister of Health and Social Services in response to recommendations from the coroner’s inquest
Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee issues a statement following recommendations from the coroner’s inquest.

Statement from Premier Pillai and Minister Mostyn on the National Day of Mourning
On April 28, the National Day of Mourning, we pay respect to those who have died and those who have been injured due to a work-related incident.
Brush up on your bear awareness
With bears becoming more active, extra precautions should be taken to keep you, your property and bears safe.
Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act Receives Assent in the Yukon Legislative Assembly
The Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 2024, received assent in the Yukon Legislative Assembly.
Government of Yukon invests $6.22 million in affordable housing in five Yukon communities
The seventh intake of the Housing Initiatives Fund will support 78 affordable homes across the Yukon.
Summer season extended for Little Gold Creek border crossing by four weeks
Operating season for the Top of the World Highway border crossing extended to September 15.