Government of Yukon and Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board collaborate to improve fish and wildlife regulation change process

This is a joint news release between the Government of Yukon and the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board.

The Government of Yukon and the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board are working together to improve the process for developing and amending fish and wildlife regulations that govern how fish and wildlife are managed in the territory.

This initiative aims to ensure Yukon First Nations, Renewable Resources Councils, interest groups and the public are involved in developing and amending fish and wildlife regulations. This includes opportunities to submit regulation change proposals and broad public engagement on any proposed changes.

The Government of Yukon and the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board are making improvements to the process to place a greater emphasis on consultation obligations with Indigenous governments, ensure Yukoners have a voice in the process, improve the efficiency and transparency around when and how regulation changes are made and better align the process with the Yukon’s land claim agreements.

Key improvements to the process include:

  • establishing a Review Committee of government and board representatives to jointly evaluate fish and wildlife regulations based on established criteria;
  • accepting fish and wildlife regulation proposals throughout the year via a rolling intake process;
  • improving public engagement by establishing standardized engagement opportunities for the public;
  • creating more meaningful consultation with Indigenous governments through earlier notification of proposed regulation changes; and
  • recognition of the authorities and interests of Indigenous governments and groups that do not fall under the Umbrella Final Agreement.

The Review Committee is being established and a first call out for fish and wildlife regulation change proposals will be issued in early 2025. The Review Committee expects to initiate its first review of proposals in spring 2025.

It is our responsibility to work together to manage fish and wildlife populations for the benefit of all Yukoners now and into the future. Thank you to the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board for your commitment to ensuring public participation in the conservation of fish and wildlife in the Yukon. Together, we have made real improvements to the fish and wildlife regulation change process to improve how we implement Chapter 16 of the Umbrella Final Agreement and ensure fish and wildlife conservation decisions include the voices of Yukon First Nations, transboundary Indigenous governments and groups, Renewable Resources Councils, interest groups and all Yukoners.

Minister of Environment Nils Clarke

After many months of hard work, we are excited to announce the updated regulation change process. This is one of the most important and influential ways for residents to have their voices heard and ideas considered in fish and wildlife management decisions. We strongly encourage all Yukoners who care about fish, wildlife and their habitats to get involved. If you have an idea, submit a proposal. Your participation ensures that regulations meet our conservation objectives while also recognizing Yukoners' various needs and interests. We look forward to seeing you at our community meetings in 2025!

Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board Chair Michelle Dawson-Beattie

Quick facts
  • The Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board is established under Chapter 16 of the Umbrella Final Agreement as the “primary instrument of fish and wildlife management in the Yukon”.

  • The Board acts in the public interest and is responsible for making provisions for public involvement in its decisions and recommendations.

  • The Minister of Environment is required to consult with Yukon First Nations and the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board on regulation changes under the Wildlife Act and the Yukon Territory Fishery Regulations.

  • The fish and wildlife regulation change process has been paused since the COVID-19 pandemic due to a lack of opportunity for public engagement and shared commitments to improve the regulation change process.

  • The Yukon’s fish and wildlife regulations are updated more frequently than most government regulations to ensure the territory is responsive to emerging fish and wildlife conservation concerns.


Fish and wildlife regulation changes in the Yukon

Below is a step-by-step overview of the revised process for fish and wildlife regulation changes managed jointly by the Government of Yukon and the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board.

Review committee established

  • A joint Review Committee is established with equal membership from both the Government of Yukon and the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board.
  • The Review Committee establishes criteria for evaluating regulation change proposals.

Regulation change proposal intake

  • Regulation changes can be submitted at any point during the year through a rolling intake.
  • The Review Committee will advertise the opportunity to submit a proposal twice a year as a reminder.
  • Regulation change proposals can be submitted by anyone, including the Yukon government, Yukon First Nations, Renewable Resources Councils, interest groups and members of the general public.
  • The Review Committee works with proponents to refine proposals as needed.

Evaluation and feedback on proposals

  • The Review Committee evaluates all incoming proposals.
  • Those proposals that meet the evaluation criteria proceed to public engagement.
  • While proposals can be submitted anytime throughout the year, they will only advance to the public engagement phase every two years to accommodate the government’s public engagement and consultation obligations.
  • The Review Committee provides feedback to proponents whose proposals do not move forward.

Public engagement

  • Every two years, the Review Committee will gather feedback from the public on proposed regulation changes.
  • Public engagement opportunities will include:
    • a survey; and
    • third-party facilitated community meetings.
  • The Review Committee summarizes the engagement in a “What we Heard” document that is publicly available.

Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board recommendations to Government of Yukon

  • The Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board makes a recommendation on each proposed regulation change.
  • The Board’s recommendations are based on conservation considerations, public feedback and local, traditional and scientific knowledge.

Government of Yukon consultation obligations

  • The Government of Yukon consults with affected Yukon First Nations and/or transboundary Indigenous governments and groups on the proposed regulation changes.
  • The Government of Yukon also consults with the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board on all proposed legislative changes and the Board provides their final views.

Government of Yukon decision and implementation

  • Based on public engagement, recommendations from partners and consultation, the Government of Yukon makes a final decision on the proposed regulation changes.
  • If the proposal is accepted, the regulation is drafted and becomes law.
  • Regulatory changes are published in the annual hunting, fishing or trapping summaries.
Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

Kyle Nightingale
Communications, Environment

Steve Hossack
Acting Executive Director, Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board

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