Get access to services for victims

Need transportation to seek safety from gender-based violence?

Travel assistance is available for victims of violence who need to escape an unsafe situation or get access to services outside their community. Call Victim Services at 867-667-8500 or visit to find out more.



Find out about Victim Services

We offer free, voluntary and confidential services for victims of all crimes.

We provide services to all people affected by a crime. We can help at all stages of the criminal proceedings.

You do not need to report the crime to police to get help.

Who can receive services?

We know that each person affected by a crime has a unique experience and different needs.

How can you get help?

You do not need to:

  • report the crime to police to get help; or
  • make an appointment.

You can get help:

  • in person;
  • on the phone; or
  • by email.

You can receive services anonymously. We do not ask for:

  • identification;
  • immigration status; or
  • other documents.

When should you contact Victim Services?

If it's an emergency, call 911.

You can contact Victim Services at any time: right after the crime or days, weeks or months later. It’s up to you.

The earlier you get in touch, the more options we may be able to offer.

Does Victim Services work with victims of all types of crime?


Find out about specific crimes:

What does Victim Services do?

We work collaboratively with:

  • community organizations;
  • First Nations;
  • transition homes;
  • the RCMP; and
  • other health and justice system partners.

Victim Services believes in:

  • confidentiality;
  • safety; and
  • respect for people’s experiences and choices.

Victim Services will:

  • not tell you what you have to do;
  • help you through a difficult time; and
  • listen and provide the information you need to make your decision.

Will Victim Services tell people what you've told them?

Victim Services will not discuss your situation with anyone without your knowledge or permission.

We are required by law to tell other support services if:

  • a child is at risk of harm; or
  • a person intends to harm themselves or others.

This could be Family and Children's Services, the RCMP, ambulance or Adult Protection.


Victim Services

You can phone or drop in to talk to us (no appointment required) Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


In person: 212 Main Street, Suite 210 – 2nd floor
Phone: 867-667-8500
Toll free: 1-800-661-0408

Dawson City

In person: 813B 3rd Avenue
Phone: 867-993-5831

Watson Lake

In person: 820 Adela Trail
Phone: 867-536-2541

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