Find out which fertility and surrogacy costs our health plan covers

We support Yukoners seeking fertility and surrogacy treatments. The expanded Medical Travel Program helps reduce travel costs for eligible Yukoners. These changes took effect on October 17, 2024.


To be eligible for travel expense coverage for fertility and surrogacy-related trips, you must:

  • be enrolled on Yukon Health Care Insurance Plan (YHCIP) and be eligible under the Travel for Medical Treatment Act;
  • have a physician, a nurse practitioner, a registered midwife or nurse designated by the nurse or other health care professional confirm you need the service and apply for medical travel;
  • receive the medical service from a licensed medical practitioner;
  • travel for a service not offered in your home community;
  • start your travel in the Yukon; and
  • get approval for your travel from the Medical Travel Program before you leave.

What is considered fertility treatment?

The updated rules define fertility treatment as:

  1. Artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization including:
    1. Intrauterine insemination,
    2. Therapeutic donor insemination, and
    3. Cycle monitoring
  2. Egg (ova) sperm and embryo donation,
  3. Egg (ova) and sperm retrieval procedures,
  4. Fertility preservation including:
    1. egg (ova) and embryo freezing and thawing,
    2. sperm freezing, thawing and washing, and
    3. fertility preservation for age-related reasons
  5. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
  6. Ovulation induction
  7. Superovulation
  8. Tubal ligation reversal
  9. Vasectomy reversal and
  10. Assessments, consultations, diagnostic and other treatments including anesthesia, ultrasound or blood tests that are required in connection with any fertility treatment listed above. 

What the program covers

 If you travel for a service not offered in your home community, you may be eligible for:

  • Coverage for airfare
  • A subsidy to help with the cost of accommodations, meals, and transportation

How to Apply

Once your travel has been approved, print the subsidy form to bring to your appointment. Have your medical practitioner sign the form at each visit to confirm the services you received.

After your trip, submit the form by:

  • Dropping it in a secure drop box at:
    • Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport, across from the arrivals doors; or
    • Whitehorse General Hospital, near the specialist clinic hallway and the entrance.
  • Emailing 
  • In person at:
    • Insured Health, 4th Floor of the Financial Plaza, 204 Lambert Street, Whitehorse, from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.
  • By mail:
    • Insured Health
      204 Lambert St
      Whitehorse, YT Y1A 3T2


For more information contact Shauna Demers at, or Julie Pruden at

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