Tower Bay
Fishing is closed to all licensed and subsistence anglers in Tower Bay (Gokhtaheen) on Dezadeash Lake (Titl'àt Män) from July 1 to August 15.
This closure will be in effect each year.

Short-notice closures are sometimes required to protect salmon when the runs have lower-than-expected numbers.
The federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) manages salmon and the salmon fisheries in the Yukon. They advertise these closures locally and on their website.
Find short-notice and other DFO closures
- Contact DFO at 867-393-6722.
- Check DFO's fishery notices online.
- Sign up for email notices at fishery notices.
These lakes were fishless prior to being stocked. Private individuals have been approved to stock these lakes at their own expense. You can't fish at any of the following lakes.
- 60° 03’25”N, 127° 36’18”W
- 60° 05’00”N, 127° 33’20”W
- 60° 05’09”N, 128° 33’07”W
- 60° 28’16”N, 134° 13’27”W
- 60° 30’29”N, 134° 32’15”W
- 60° 58’12”N, 129° 11’46”W
- 60° 09’15”N, 130° 10’45”W
- 60° 09’42”N, 130° 10’05”W
- 61° 06’07”N, 136° 18’20”W
- 61° 06’07”N, 136° 17’12”W
- 61° 14’35”N, 135° 09’05”W
- 60° 04’08”N, 127° 33’44”W
Some other fish farming lakes are not listed, but may also be closed. These will have official public closure notices posted at the lake. There are no other social restrictions on using these public waters.
If you are unsure whether or not a pothole lake has been privately stocked, contact us at 867-667-5721 or toll free 1-800-661-0408, ext. 5721.
Lakes stocked by the Government of Yukon for public use are open to angling year round. Please see the Stocked lakes page for more information.
For questions about fisheries closures email or phone: 867-667-5721 or toll free in the Yukon: 1-800-661-0408, ext. 5721.