Alaska Highway Multi-Use Trail Plan in Whitehorse

This engagement is now closed.

It ran from 2024-12-05 to 2025-01-05.

Check below for where to find results.

Where can I find results?

You will find the results of the engagement in a What We Heard report.

The report will be published here after the engagement ends and we’ve compiled and analyzed your input.

What was this engagement about? 

The Government of Yukon is developing a new trail plan along 30 kilometres of the Alaska Highway in Whitehorse. It will cover the area from the Carcross Cutoff to the North Klondike Highway.

This plan will help:

  • provide safer trail routes to people of all ages and abilities; 
  • connect Whitehorse residents with the existing trail network; and
  • improve options for trail users to cross the highway. 

We want to seek your input to learn what aspects of the trail plan are important to you.

Engagement phases

This engagement has 3 different phases.

The current phase seeks to gather public input about the aspects of the trail that are important to you. Your feedback will help inform the draft trail plan.

A future phase will seek to collect feedback on the draft trail design options for the Rabbit’s Foot Canyon area. Your feedback will help inform the trail plan for this section. We will hold an in-person information session for this stage. Details will be shared in due time.

The final phase will seek to collect feedback on the draft multi-use trail design for the entire city. Your feedback will help inform the final trail plan.

How will my input make a difference?

Your input will help us understand your experiences and needs so we can shape the trail plan to better fit your needs.

Give your feedback on the engagement process

Share your thoughts on the engagement process by sending an email to

Where can I find related information?

You can find more information and updates about the trail plan on the project website

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