Alaska Highway Multi-Use Trail Plan in Whitehorse

The Government of Yukon is working to expand the trail along the Alaska Highway in Whitehorse. This will give you better options to get around — whether by foot, bike, wheelchair, kicksled or snowmobile.

Learn more about what’s happening and opportunities to share your input.

What’s happening?

We’re developing a new trail plan along 30 kilometers of the Alaska Highway in Whitehorse. It will cover the area from the Carcross Cutoff to the North Klondike Highway.

This plan will help:

  • provide safer trail routes to people of all ages and abilities; 
  • connect Whitehorse residents with the existing trail network; and
  • improve options to cross the highway. 

We want to hear from you about the trail plan.

Engagement phases  

We want your feedback during 3 phases of the project.  

Current phase: We gathered your input on what matters most to you about the trail. Your feedback will help shape the draft trail plan.

Next phase: We’ll ask for feedback on the draft plan of the trail through Rabbit’s Foot Canyon. Your feedback will help inform the trail plan for this section. This phase will include an in-person information session. We’ll share details in due time.

Final phase: The last phase will focus on the draft design for the trail across the entire city. Your input during this phase will help finalize the trail plan. 

A map of the planned trail along the Alaska Highway within Whitehorse.

Benefits of expanding the trail

This project will create a well-connected trail network in Whitehorse. The improved trails will support active transportation like walking, biking and skiing.

As part of this project, we’ll explore options for including space for off-highway recreational vehicles like snowmobiles and ATVs.

Goals of the trail expansion

  • Design safe and comfortable trails for all ages and abilities with a buffer from the highway.
  • Improve connections between neighbourhoods.
  • Identify locations for safe highway crossings, such as overpasses and underpasses.
  • Integrate with existing trails.
  • Consider integration with the City of Whitehorse’s future trail network expansion and urban development.
  • Outline strategies and costs for the trail’s implementation.
  • Accommodate active transportation users and off-highway recreation vehicles.
  • Promote safe interactions between all trail users.
  • Recommend trail sections for winter maintenance in alignment with the city’s Snow and Ice Policy.
  • Promote active transportation to:
    • reduce traffic congestion;
    • improve air quality;
    • boost regional tourism; and
    • support public health through physical activity.
Three people on bicycles waiting on a dirt trail next to a road.

Give us your input

There are no open surveys on the trail plan at this time. This section will be updated when you can give feedback on the trail plan.

Giving your feedback helps us understand your experiences and needs so we can shape the trail plan to better fit your needs.


For more information about the project, email You can also find more information on the project’s engagement page.