The FireSmart program is one way that we reduce wildfire risk near communities. FireSmart projects remove and reduce forest fuels like trees and deadfall from public greenbelts and undeveloped natural growth areas.
Active FireSmart projects
The Wildfire Hub shows where FireSmart projects are located.
At these sites, contractors burn debris like branches that cause light smoke. You can also salvage fuelwood for free at most sites. If the project proponent is a First Nation government, you need their permission to salvage wood.
How do I apply?
To apply for FireSmart program funding, you must be a:
- First Nation or municipal government;
- registered non-profit organizations in good standing;
- community association; or
- school council.
To apply, send a completed application to FireSmart and Fuels Management Specialist Dawn Hansen ( This year's application deadline is February 17, 2025.
Apply for FireSmart project funding
We will notify you in August if your project has been approved for funding. Projects can begin once funding agreements are in place.