Yukoners should make plans to be ready for emergencies or disasters. Visit the emergency preparedness page or the Red Cross’ emergency preparedness and recovery to learn how to prepare for emergencies and disasters.
Emergency Support Services may be available for those who need basic living supports.
Preparing emergency lodging in your community
During emergencies, it may be possible for community residents to shelter in their community if they are not required to fully evacuate. In this case, it is possible for First Nations governments, municipal governments, or other community organizations to support their residents by setting up an emergency lodging facility.
The health and safety guidance for establishing an emergency lodging facility in a Yukon community provides guidance for community leaders and emergency preparedness personnel. It focuses on selecting and setting up emergency lodging facilities for use during evacuations or other emergencies for short stays lasting between 24 and 72 hours. This guidance is specific to public health and does not fully encompass all other considerations for emergency management of displaced residents.
Download guidance for establishing an emergency lodging: download guidiance
What is Emergency Support Services ?
Emergency Support Services provide non-medical survival support to people affected by an emergency. This may include:
- public reception centres;
- registration and inquiry services;
- emergency lodging, feeding, clothing; and
- coordination of alternate shelter for domestic pets.
When are Emergency Support Services Provided?
Emergency Support Services is provided when someone’s primary residence becomes uninhabitable due to:
- damage from an emergency or disaster; or
- an evacuation order issued due to an imminent emergency.
Who is eligible for Emergency Support Services?
You may qualify for Emergency Support Services if:
- your home becomes uninhabitable due to a disaster or emergency; and
- your insurance coverage is not reasonably or readily available.
Evacuees from other territories or provinces may get support from the Government of Yukon if requested. The province or territory must request this support.
How long are Emergency Support Services provided?
We provide Emergency Support Services:
- for the first 72 hours after the event; or
- for the duration of the evacuation order.
On rare occasions, Emergency Support Services support may continue after the evacuation order.
If you require long-term support, for example there is permanent damage to your home from a fire or flood, recovery funding may become available.
What is not covered by Emergency Support Services?
Emergency Support Services does not pay for:
- Gas or repairs for your car to leave your home or return;
- damage to hotels or other places you stay; and
- cigarettes, cannabis, or alcohol.
You cannot access Emergency Support Services if:
- Another organization pays for your evacuation expenses.
- You leave your home before an evacuation order.
- You're able to care for yourself without help from Emergency Support Services.
How do I access Emergency Support Services?
The Canadian Red Cross provides Emergency Support Services on behalf of the Yukon Government. If you need help because of a disaster, contact the Canadian Red Cross Disaster Assistance Line, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-888-800-6493.
During an evacuation, all evacuees should register with the Canadian Red Cross regardless of whether they need support.