Driver’s licence
When you move to the Yukon, you must transfer your current driver’s licence to a Yukon driver’s licence. You must switch your licence within:
- 120 days of moving to the Yukon; or
- 30 days, if you have an air-brake endorsement.
Driver licences recognized in the Yukon
If you have a valid driver’s licence from 1 of the following places, you can apply for a Yukon driver's licence:
- Canada;
- United States of America;
- Taiwan;
- Germany – a sign test is required; and
- Isle of Man.
If you've held your driver's licence for less than 2 years in a jurisdiction outside Canada you will need to enrol in the Graduated Driver’s Licensing (GDL) program.
To get a Yukon driver’s licence, you'll need to:
- surrender your out-of-territory driver’s licence;
- pay the applicable driver licence fee;
- provide 1 acceptable proof of identity document;
- provide 2 acceptable proof of residency documents; and
- a current driver's medical (commercial drivers, or for drivers 70 years of age and older).
Vehicle registration
When you move to the Yukon, you must transfer your existing vehicle registration to Yukon vehicle registration. You must change your vehicle registration within:
- 7 days of the vehicle entering the Yukon if you're working; or
- 60 days of the vehicle entering the Yukon if you are not working.
To register a vehicle, visit the nearest Motor Vehicles office and bring with you:
- a copy of the previous registration; and
- valid Yukon insurance.
For questions about licensing or vehicle registration email, phone 867-667-5315, or toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 5315.
You can also contact any of our 10 community Motor Vehicles offices.