There are special requirements if you want to own sheep and goats in the Yukon. These requirements are in place to:
- help Yukon farmers be stewards for the environment;
- protect Yukon’s wild thinhorn sheep and mountain goat populations; and
- support farmers with their livestock production.
If you own sheep and goats, you must comply with the sheep and goat Control Order to reduce the risk of spreading respiratory pathogens, especially Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae (M. ovi), to wild sheep and goats. If you do not comply with the sheep and goat Control Order, you’ve committed an offence under the Animal Health Act and can be charged.
Compliance with the Control Order
To comply with the Control Order, you must:
- identify your farm;
- keep your animals in an approved fenced area;
- report escaped animals or contact between domestic with wild species;
- permanently identify animals and keep herd records;
- have your animals tested for respiratory disease; and
- obtain a permit to import sheep or goats to the Yukon.
Premises with sheep and goats are inspected based on risk. We’ll contact you to gather information and assess the risk on your farm to determine the need for inspection.
If you own sheep or goats, you must let us know. Failure to do so is an offence under the Animal Health Act.
Contact the Animal Health Unit. Email or phone 867-667-5600, toll-free in the Yukon, 1-800-661-0408 and ask to be transferred.
We'll set up a phone call or meeting with you to discuss:
- your operation;
- getting a premises identification number;
- requirements under the sheep and goat Control Order; and
- any changes you may need to make.
Generally, farms or properties cannot be located above 1,000 metres in elevation.
Even if you only have 1 or 2 animals, you must still follow the sheep and goat Control Order.
You must contain your sheep and goats so that:
- they do not escape;
- you reduce the chance that wild sheep or goats can get into the enclosure; and
- there is no nose-to-nose contact between livestock and wild sheep or goats.
Containment fence requirements
Containment fences must provide primary containment with a secondary structure that maintains at least 60 centimetres (2 feet) separation to prevent nose to nose contact.
- The primary fence must:
- be at least 1.2 metres (4 feet) high; and
- keep animals from putting their head through
- The secondary structure can be a physical fence or other structure that provides the needed separation. An example is electric outriggers.
We’ll work with you to design a fence that:
- makes sense for your operation; and
- when possible, uses existing infrastructure.
You can apply for agriculture funding to help offset the costs of required fencing.
The enclosure where you keep your sheep or goats must:
- be inspected annually; and
- be maintained in its approved condition.
Contact the Agriculture Branch to:
- review your enclosure requirements; or
- have your fence inspected and approved.
Email the Agriculture Branch at You can also phone 867-667-5838 or, toll-free in the Yukon, 1-800-661-0408 and ask to be transferred.
If your animals escape or wild sheep and goats visit your property
You must immediately report:
- any animal that escapes your enclosure; or
- any wild or unknown domestic sheep or goat on your property.
This includes reporting escaped animals during transport. You could be fined if you do not report escaped animals.
To report escaped, missing or contact between domestic and wild sheep and goats, phone:
- the Agriculture Branch at 867-667-5838 or, toll-free in the Yukon, 1-800-661-0408 and ask to be transferred; or
- an animal protection officer at 867-667-3597.
We can help:
- find your livestock; and
- develop a plan to capture them.
Your sheep and goats must have permanent identification on them to allow for individual identification. Examples include ear tags, microchips or leg bands. Learn more about the mandatory Canadian Sheep Identification Program.
You must also keep a record of each sheep and goat added to your herd or flock since the last inspection. Your records must include the source of each new animal, for example:
- Born on farm; or
- the name and address of the person you purchased the animal from.
Update your records when:
- there's an addition of sheep or goats to your property; and
- when animals visit your farm for breeding or boarding. Include the source farm and the dates that they were on your property in your records.
You can use these forms for record keeping.
You must have your sheep and goats tested for the respiratory pathogen Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae (M. ovi).
The Animal Health Unit will come to your farm to do the testing. We do not charge fees for testing.
Veterinarians at the Animal Health Unit are available to answer any questions about testing requirements. Email them at or phone 867-667-5600 or, toll-free in the Yukon, 1-800-661-0408 and ask to be transferred.
If an animal’s nasal swabs test negative for M. ovi, the animal is not considered disease-free. This bacteria can survive within sheep or goats undetected.
Repeat testing, at least annually, is required to continue to reduce the risk in the Yukon. We base the frequency of re-testing on:
- an annual risk assessment; and
- a farm-by-farm basis.
If your animal tests positive for M. ovi, we’ll direct you to destroy it. You may be eligible for compensation for destroyed animals. It’s safe to eat meat from animals that test positive for M. ovi and are slaughtered.
From outside the Yukon
To import domestic sheep or goats to the Yukon from outside the territory, you need a free import permit issued by the Agriculture Branch.
You may have animals pre-tested for M. ovi before they are imported. Funding is available to support pre-testing.
If you choose to pre-test animals before import:
- Only animals that test negative for M. ovi can be imported without the requirement for an immediate quarantine.
- Pre-tested negative animals will not require and immediate quarantine. They will be tested within 3 months. You’ll be eligible for compensation if they test positive for M. ovi.
If you choose not to pre-test animals:
- You assume the risk that un-tested animals may carry M. ovi.
- Untested imported animals must be immediately quarantined and will be tested on arrival in the Yukon unless they are imported for "direct to slaughter".
- Compensation is not available if the animals test positive for M. ovi when the importer assumes the risk and an immediate quarantine is applied on imported animals.
- You can read more about import options in the Sheep and goat Control Order fact sheet (2025)
Get an import permit
- Contact us before you bring new livestock into your operation. Email the Agriculture Branch at or phone 867-667-5838, toll-free in the Yukon, 1-800-661-0408 and ask to be transferred.
- Complete the appropriate application form 4 weeks before you plan to import sheep or goats.
- We’ll review the application and contact you to schedule a meeting or farm visit. At the meeting or visit, we’ll discuss:
- your pre-testing plans;
- quarantine containment plans; and
- the testing protocol for after your new animals arrive.
- When we approve your application, we’ll issue you a permit number. We’ll review any permit conditions with you. We'll also provide you with a sheep and goats loading document to verify the animals to be imported.
Quarantine containment plan
If you do not pre-test, you must submit a quarantine containment plan as part of your import application. Your plan must:
- prevent any contact between the quarantined animal(s) and any other sheep or goats;
- be approved by the Animal Health Unit; and
- be maintained until testing is completed and imported animals have a negative test for M. ovi.
You must report any animals that breach the quarantine plan. Phone the Agriculture Branch at 867-667-5838 or the Animal Health Unit at 867-667-5600.
From inside the Yukon
You do not need a permit to move, purchase or sell domestic sheep and goats within the Yukon.
If you move animals onto your farm:
- carefully consider the risk to your herd or flock;
- update your records after sale or purchase. This record of movement must be kept for 2 years;
- document the date and source of any animals visiting your farm (for example, “for breeding purposes”);
- have approved containment; and
- practise rigorous biosecurity.
If you are buying sheep or goats for the 1st time, you’ll need approved containment on your property and must fulfil all the requirements for the Control Order before receiving the animals.
Before you bring new livestock into your operation, phone the Agriculture Branch at 867-667-5838 or the Animal Health Unit at 867-667-5600.
Other options
Producers should also consider lower-risk ways of getting new animals without the risk of introducing M. ovi or other pathogens. For example, artificial insemination is a safe and unrestricted way to expand the genetic diversity of your herd or flock.
For questions about owning sheep or goats in the Yukon, contact the Agriculture Branch or Animal Health Unit.
For the Agriculture Branch, email or phone 867-667-5838.
For the Animal Health Unit, email or phone 867-667-5600.
You can also reach the Agriculture Branch or Animal Health Unit toll-free in the Yukon by phoning 1-800-661-0408 and asking to be transferred.