Be a smart investor. Learn investing basics and protect yourself from investor fraud.
Avoid investment fraud
- Know the red flags of fraud.
- Learn about common frauds and scams.
Before you invest
- Set goals.
- Create a financial plan.
- Understand the risk and your risk tolerance.
- If you don't know how to invest, choose a financial adviser.
- Check that your adviser is registered.
Decide what to invest in
- Learn about the types of investments.
- Read the Canadian Securities Administrators brochures on getting started in investing.
The Canadian Securities Administrators has useful resources for:
- investing Basics;
- understanding your investments;
- working with advisers;
- how to check if the adviser is registered; and
- types of investments.
For more information about investments and Yukon securities laws, email or phone 867-667-5466, or toll free in Yukon 1-800-661-0408 extension 5466.