The Balance of Trade report, 2021, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
Read the 2023–24 annual report for the Economic Development Fund.
Fillable PDF guidelines for Commercial Building and Plumbing Permits
This tracking document will help you track Confirmation of Professional Assurance and Letters of Completion forms.
The Retail Trade report, September 2024, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
Use this form to apply for a Good Energy clean transportation rebate for zero-emission light and heavy duty vehicles.
13-102 Multilateral Instrument, System Fees, CSA Notice and Request for Comment on Proposed Amendments, November 21, 2024.
The Yukon health status report from 2023. Read previous health status reports.
Find the guidelines for minor projects with the early learning child care infrastructure fund. Apply for Yukon’s early learning and child care infrastructure fund
Find the guidelines for major projects with the early learning child care infrastructure fund.
The Employment Insurance report, September 2024, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
Biweekly respiratory surveillance report for week ending November 16, 2024 You can also download previous reports on respiratory surveillance.
Read the 2023-24 annual report for the Department of Education. Department of Education.
The Investment in Building Construction report, September 2024, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
This form is a guideline to assist designers and code consultants in determining that a complex small building or large building meets the requirements of the Building Code. Complete this form and submit it with a permit application.
This document outlines the eligibility criteria for activities under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership program. It also provides examples of eligible activities. Use this to determine if you’re eligible to get agriculture funding.
Use this form to apply for a solid waste management permit for commercial activity, a mining operation or other industrial activity. This form is for operations with 10 or more people. See more about solid waste management permits.
Use this form to apply for a permit that lets you operate an asphalt plant. You must complete 1 form for each individual plant. You will also need to fill out a general application for an air emissions permit. Learn more about air emissions permits.
Use this form to apply for a solid waste management permit for commercial activity, a mining operation or other industrial activity. This form is for operations with 1 to 9 people. See more about solid waste management permits.
Use this form to apply for a special waste permit. See more about special waste permits.
Use this form to amend or cancel an existing permit under the Environment Act. This includes permits for contaminated sites, pesticides, special waste, air emissions, solid waste, land treatment facilities, relocation of hazardous waste and ozone depleting substances and other halocarbons.
Use this form to apply for a permit to handle, possess, purchase or use items that contain ozone-depleting substances and other halocarbons. You will need to complete an approved environmental awareness course first. See more about the application process.
Use this form to apply for a permit that lets you burn and/or incinerate solid waste, special waste or contaminated soil. You will also need to fill out a general application for an air emissions permit. Learn more about air emissions permits.
Use this form to apply for a permit to demolish a structure by burning it. You will also need to fill out a general application for an air emissions permit. Learn more about air emissions permits.
Use this form to apply for a permit to use risk-based restoration standards at a contaminated site. By applying, you will need to acknowledge that you assume all the risks of using risk-based standards. See more about treating and relocating contaminated material.